

These traders seem to be immune to market tumbles...

You too can be part of this in as little as 8 trading hours.
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Earlier today I sent you a message about how you can start seeing gains as high as 100% in as little as 8 hours, amidst all the market volatility going on right now.

My Overnight Trader subscribers seem to almost be immune to the current market tumble, still raking in double and triple-digit gains, while everybody else is playing defense.

With Overnight Trader, you get the best of both worlds.

You get to enjoy gains when the market is up and when the market is down - all in record time... in as little as 8 hours.

Most of our gains have been realized just in a matter of trading hours - gains like...

  • 115.9% gain on Square Inc. calls
  • 62.9% gain on Carnival calls
  • 118.8% gain on Meta Platforms Inc. calls
  • 80.3% gain on Pinduoduo Inc. calls
  • 124.1% gain on PayPal Holdings Inc. calls
  • 200.8% gain on Marathon Digital Holdings calls

Overnight Trader is a trading strategy in its purest form. There's no "buy-and-hold" here. When a sector is ready to make a move, and our tracking forecast confirms the move, you'll need to quickly get positioned in the correct Overnight Trader investment and ride it until the fervor fades.

We'll tell you to get out with whatever profits you may have when the ride is over.

Sometimes you'll be rewarded with double-digit gains in a matter of days, while other times you can make triple-digit gains.

As a subscriber to my Overnight Trader, you'll know my research team is constantly monitoring the markets... waiting for the right trades that meet our 'peak opportunity point' indicators.

Once we get a strong signal, you can be sure I'll get to the bottom of what's happening, researching every conceivable reason as to why the sector is due for a big move... even checking the news and balance sheets of the major stocks within that sector to see the reason for the forecast.

If everything adds up, you will profit just as so many Overnight Trader subscribers have done in the past.

How much is this powerful investment information worth to you?

Since there is already so much demand for my Overnight Trader service, I know this current offer will fill up very quickly.

Understand that a trading system this powerful and exclusive does not come cheap. It's usually $1,747 per year to subscribe - and no question, it's worth the price and more.

But today, I'm giving you a one-time opportunity to be a part of Overnight Trader for a two-year subscription for only $195.

That's right, you pay this small fee today and never worry about renewing your subscription until late 2024.

If you want to steal this deal off the table while it's still available, you have exactly until midnight before the link expires.

Here's your chance to change your investment outcomes once and for all - join this small group of traders receiving at least one trade per week...a minimum of 48 trades per year.

There's no telling when the next big winner will come.

Act Now


Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar

How to Make 100% Gains in As Little As 8 Hours

Overnight Trader combines my tested methods with faster trading for even higher returns.


Ever since my readers urged me to make faster trading recommendations, my Overnight Trader has been making money at a breathless pace.

See for yourself, look at our recent track record and you'll notice 60% to 100% or more gains, even during the volatile wartime market conditions we're currently facing:

  • 115.9% gain on Square Inc. calls
  • 62.9% gain on Carnival calls
  • 118.8% gain on Meta Platforms Inc. calls
  • 80.3% gain on Pinduoduo Inc. calls
  • 124.1% gain on PayPal Holdings Inc. calls
  • 200.8% gain on Marathon Digital Holdings calls

Remarkable was hardly the word...

If these were the kinds of profits you could have made during a war-depressed market, imagine the profits you could make in a thriving market. The profit margins could be limitless!

In all my years of investment experience, I've never developed a more powerful strategy for wealth building than Overnight Trader.

This program has it all: huge returns, quick gains, outstanding average yields, and tremendous long-term sustainability.

It's built around a secret strategy that will soon be the talk of Wall Street. Everyone will be trading this way in the next 5 to 10 years. But today, only a handful of people are aware of this system's existence.

And you can be among the small few who know the secret strategy and thrive from it.

But that's not all. It's a system with extremely limited risk.

You see, Overnight Trader is so powerful that you only need to invest a small portion of your portfolio to capitalize on the system.

You could put as little as 10% of your funds into my strategically leveraged, fixed-risk investments, yet still be on your way to total financial freedom. You could earn substantial returns that over time could add up to millions of dollars - all while knowing that 90% of your remaining money is tucked away in safe, guaranteed investments.

When you think about the quick gains we've seen, you can see just how powerful Overnight Trader is. Here are some more gains we've seen in this strategy...

  • 66.1% gain on Peloton Interactive puts
  • 116.6% gain on Snowflake Inc. calls
  • 75.8% gain on United Parcel Service calls
  • 83.7% gain on United States Steel calls
  • 145.9% gain on Lyft calls
  • 70% gain on Alibaba Group calls

But these eye-popping gains are only half the story. The most important aspect of my system is that I designed this strategy based on successful investing for today.

As you'll soon learn, this system isn't built around the tactics that made money in the '90s or early 2000s. It's built around investing tactics that can make you money right now.

And it's proven itself during the most extreme market conditions.

It's a nervous investor's dream and it's here to help you get a handle on today's shaky market.

The Story of Two Investors

Before revealing the secret strategy behind my Overnight Trader service, let me illustrate the tremendous money-making power it could offer you.

Let's say there are two investors...

Investor "A" is 45 years old. He wants a safe investment that would build for his retirement, which he figures is 22 years away. So, he takes his $50,000 and puts it in 5% yield tax-free bonds.

Assuming he reinvests his interest, he'll watch his $50,000 grow into $148,190.40 by the time he's 67. Not bad, right?

Investor "B" takes a slightly different approach.

Since he also wants to build his retirement savings, he invests in 5% yield in tax-free bonds. But unlike Investor "A," he commits 10% of his portfolio, a total of $5,000, using my Overnight Trader recommendations.

There, he invests using my highly leveraged, controlled risk investments with say (being conservative) a 27% yield.

By the time Investor "B" is ready to retire in 22 years, his $45,000 in tax-free bonds had netted him $133,371.36. Add to that an annualized 27.1% return and his $5,000 invested using the Overnight Trader service would earn an eye-popping $977,624.59. His total assets are now $1,110,995.95 - over seven times that of Investor "A"!

I'll admit, this calculation left out a few things, taxes being one of them. There's also the risk that an occasional trade might get stopped. But still, you get the point.

A little bit of money carefully invested using our Overnight Trader recommendations could profit more than if you were to invest a large sum of money at a low rate of return.

And the best news is that you don't have to lay out a large amount of your hard-earned savings to succeed. As you've just seen, all it takes is as little as $5,000, or 10% of your portfolio, and a few minutes out of your day to get started!

Safe During Any Market Conditions

I could go on and on about the 68%, 96%, and 116% gains our Overnight Trader recommendations have generated in this bear market; or the 82%, 79%, 115%, 107%, and 200% gains during the wartime market conditions; or even the 84%, 91%, and 120% gains we made throughout the Wall Street panic and FED tightening interest rates news.

But I don't have to, because as you can see, the market's behavior is completely irrelevant to our profits.

All you need is a time-tested and proven strategy to dissect and analyze every market segment, giving you a strong indication of where that segment is going and the exact recommendations to profit off this move. That's exactly what you get with the Overnight Trader service.

Whether the market's a bull or a bear, specific market segments are always on the move.

Zeroing in on the ones set for a sure-fire up or down move, regardless of other market conditions, could consistently make you a lot of money, very quickly.

You can finally take the guesswork out of investing and profit alongside specific market segments you know are in for a rally or a fall.

Finally, a Strategy That Works in Today's Market

Before I tell you how to get this money-making information coming to you regularly, I must make it clear from the outset that this service is not for everyone.

For one thing, it's a serious system for active investors.

It uses a new investment strategy based around specific Overnight Trader investments... one that you most likely haven't used before.

We make recommendations that may go against what you think is right by watching the media or talking to your broker.

In volatile times, most investors would flock to stocks paying the highest dividends. But not us. We knew multinational corporations, like the big names paying lofty dividends, would lead the market down.

Trusting the Overnight Trader recommendations, we got positioned in a put play that increased in value as the MUT Index went down...and took 21% gains in two days.

Overnight Trader investments move fast. Play the move... then get out!

Something else you need to consider...

Overnight Trader is a trading strategy in its purest form. There's no "buy-and-hold" here. When a sector is ready to make a move, and our tracking forecast confirms the move, you'll need to quickly get positioned in the correct Overnight Trader investment and ride it until the fervor fades.

We'll tell you to get out with whatever profits you may have when the ride is over.

Sometimes you'll be rewarded with double-digit gains in a matter of days, while other times you could make up to triple-digit gains in 3 days.

My point is that Overnight Trader requires the right mindset. You're in only for the ride up or down. Typically, it's a quick one... never a " buy-and-hold " situation.

Yes, it's fast-paced. Yes, there's a risk.

My system and I are not right all the time, but we're right enough times to do very well.

You need to have strong enough discipline to cut the losers short and let the winner's ride.

The Time to Get in on This Deal Is Now...

It's very possible that you could double your money riding my Overnight Trader recommendations as our subscribers have done so often, time after time.

It's also very possible to triple, quadruple, or even earn 10-to-1 returns when you stick with the system over several months.

As long as any one of the 10 market sectors we follow continues to trade in predictable patterns, my Overnight Trader will pick up on the signals, then I'll tell you the very best PGI trade to profit off the move.

As a subscriber to my Overnight Trader, you'll know this strategy is constantly monitoring all 90 PGIs, waiting for the exact timing to make a move.

Once I get a strong signal, you can be sure I'll get to the bottom of what's happening... researching every conceivable reason as to why the sector is due for a big move - even checking the news and balance sheets of the major stocks within that sector to see the reason for the forecast.

If everything adds up, you will profit - just as so many Overnight Trader subscribers have done in the past.

I have no reason to believe this remarkably simple indicator is about to stop dropping these powerful clues anytime soon. But I'm getting ahead of myself here...

The first step is to get you on board and get those first few profits under your belt. Then, as you see how the game is played, you'll gain the same level of confidence in the system our current subscribers have, and you'll see all the different ways to boost your returns and keep the cash rolling in.

That Rare First Chance to Be Ahead of the Curve

I sincerely hope you see the full potential of this opportunity.

Since this is the first time, I've been able to tell the whole story, I expect interest in this system to be tremendous.

We've elected to open a select number of trading spots to serious investors who are interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity. Today, you have that rare first chance to be ahead of the curve and participate in the profits of the newest wealth generator on Wall Street.

If you're interested, I'd like to invite you to join our exclusive group of subscribers.

But before you decide that this system is for you, remember I want you to be comfortable with the service.

Understand that a trading system this powerful and exclusive does not come cheap. It's $1,747 per year to subscribe - and no question, it's worth the price and more.

How much is this powerful investment information worth to you?

I'm giving you the opportunity to be a part of Overnight Trader today with a two-year subscription for only $195.

That's right, you get to subscribe for just $195 and we'll extend your subscription until late 2024.

But if you want to steal this deal off the table while it's still available, you have exactly until midnight before the link expires.

Here's your chance to change your investment outcomes once and for all - join this small group of traders raking up gains even while the market turns.

I urge you to join us today. I send out at least one alert per week...a minimum of 48 alerts per year.

There's no telling when the next big winner will come.


If you're looking to recoup lost profits from the bear market, I can show you how the power of my Overnight Trader recommendations can make those losses insignificant.

Here's to a profitable portfolio,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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