

Your Signature Is Needed: STOP inhumane trophy hunters from slaughtering gray wolves


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Gray wolves could lose the only protections keeping them safe from being VIOLENTLY MURDERED by vicious trophy hunters!

When the Trump Administration stripped away the ESA listing for wolves across the country in 2020, cruel trophy hunters recklessly massacred these beloved canines in droves. The loss in the wolf population was so devastating that earlier this year, federal courts ruled to restore these protections in most of the lower 48 states.

But now, the Biden Administration is seeking to REVERSE these critical safeguards, leaving gray wolves once again vulnerable to inhumane deaths at the hands of mercilessly trophy hunters -- including BRUTAL KILLINGS by choking, shooting, helicopter chasing, and even dynamiting helpless wolves in their dens. We must take immediate action to save gray wolves from being inhumanely SLAUGHTERED by cruel trophy hunters. Add your name right now >>

 Gray wolves are an iconic symbol of North American nature and wilderness, but these legendary creatures serve an even greater purpose than being a cultural staple of the wild. They also play a key role in maintaining our ecosystems by keeping deer and elk populations in check, which benefits several plant and animal species that the human food chain relies on.

On top of that, people also gain from wolf tourism, which has brought in about $35.5 million in annual benefits to the areas surrounding Yellowstone National Park. Yet despite this economic value, these same regions that border the park in the states of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, are the very ones advocating to make it EASIER for ruthless trophy hunters to annihilate these cherished animals.

With only 6,000 of these precious gray wolves roaming less than 10% of their original native land, we could soon lose this important species FOREVER -- unless we DEMAND stronger protections NOW. Please, Friend, will you take action right away to save gray wolves from extinction before it's too late?

Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth


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