

25 Yellowstone wolves were massacred this year




Dear Friend, 

Trophy hunters wiped out an ENTIRE PACK of Yellowstone gray wolves. Protect vulnerable wolves and our planet with your $27 gift.

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Wolves are being attacked by trophy hunters in the Northern Rockies -- and now, even Yellowstone wolves aren't safe! Wolves who call the national park home are protected from hunters, but as soon as they step a paw out of park boundaries, they find themselves in the crosshairs of eager trophy hunters, ready to gun them down. Help protect vulnerable wolves and our planet: Right now, we need 17 other people in your city to make a gift if we are going to reach our goal, so make your $27 contribution today.

The most recent season saw the deadliest hunt for Yellowstone wolves. An entire wolf pack was ELIMINATED, along with wolves from other areas of the park, leaving only 89 wolves in Yellowstone. And more can be at stake if we don't act now, Friend.

As long as states in the Northern Rockies allow a free-for-all approach to wolf hunts, we could see even deadlier seasons in the near future. If this continues to go unchecked, the consequences could be dire for the dwindling number of wolves in the area.

Wolves in the Northern Rockies are suffering at the hands of trophy hunters. Fight against private interests and make your $27 contribution today.

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Wolves were previously hunted to near-extinction levels, and by 1926, Yellowstone was completely depleted of them. The reintroduction and protection of wolves two decades ago has allowed them to thrive -- but since the stripping of their ESA protections, wolves in the Northern Rockies are threatened by trophy hunters to bring the numbers back to historic lows.

Gunned down from helicopters. Dynamited in their dens. Run over by ATVs. Their mangled, bloodied fur left on iron leg traps. This is the future wolves in the Northern Rockies are facing if we don't work to protect them before it's too late.

These gruesome and inhumane methods are ones that the Trump administration legalized. This is what America's iconic wolves are being subjected to in the states where they lack protections, and the death toll is only climbing.

The attacks on wolves have also emboldened other extremists to take even more ruthless actions. Last year in Oregon, 8 wolves were POISONED to death by poachers in an insidious attack. As a result, an entire wolf pack was eliminated.

With only 6,000 wolves left in the lower 48 states, we can't allow this slaughter to continue. Wolves represent the iconic American wilderness. Once roaming freely across America, these canines have become functionally extinct in 85% of their former range across the continental U.S. We must take a stand to protect the remaining wolves from trophy hunters and their gruesome hunting practices.

Tortured, shot, and poisoned -- wolves are subjected to torturous deaths. Make your $27 contribution to protect them and the planet.

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Wolves help keep elk and deer populations in check, allowing other plant and animal species to flourish. The remains of their kill redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers. They play a vital role in our wild spaces like Yellowstone yet are being hunted mercilessly.

Your membership gift today would mean a second chance for the last 1,600 wolves left in the Northern Rockies, the ecosystems that depend on them, and our planet. And it will allow us to fight private interests like the trophy hunting lobbies and Big Ag to ensure that they are held accountable for their ecological destruction. 

But the wolves are currently being hunted, and we have no time to lose. Make your contribution of $27 or more to Friends of the Earth by midnight tonight!

We can't allow anti-wolf extremists to decimate our remaining wolves. Stand up for these iconic canines and our planet with your $27 contribution today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,

Friends of the Earth


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