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Population in the News

A Round-up of Population News

Journalism that discusses population size and growth is essential for Americans. When the topic is present in the news, Americans can better understand the effects of population trends in our communities and on our natural resources. When population issues are discussed earnestly with fact-based talking points, listeners (and readers) are more likely to engage in the discussion. To that end, we invite our members and supporters to check out these recent articles that address human population:

US Population Stability Requires Immigration – Just Not Too Much (September 27, 2022)

Opinion Contributor and former director of the United Nations Population Division James Chamie shares his thoughts on immigration in the United States.*

“In 2020, the number of foreign-born in America reached a historic high of more than 45 million, nearly 14 percent of the total U.S. population. Over the coming four decades, America is expected to receive slightly more than 1 million immigrants annually. If those levels continue as expected, the projected number of foreign-born in America would total more than 69 million by 2060, or about one in six people living in the country at that time.”

*NPG believes that legal immigration should be limited to no more than 200,000 people per year, including all asylees and refugees.

U.S Population Growth Has Nearly Flatlined, Is That So Bad? (September 14, 2022)

The New York Times article considers future possible outcomes of U.S. Population Growth.

“To see how population stagnation or even decline need not spell disaster, you can look at countries where it’s already occurring, as Daniel Moss, a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering Asian economies, did last year. Take Japan: ‘Despite the caricature of the country as an economic failure in the grip of terminal decline, life goes on,’ he wrote. ‘True, growth in overall G.D.P. has been fairly anemic in the past few decades, but G.D.P. per capita has held up well.’ What’s more, he added, Japan’s unemployment rate is very low and has remained so throughout the pandemic (it was 2.6 percent in July).”

Visualized: The World’s Population at 8 Billion (September 27, 2022)

This article has multiple illustrations highlighting the human population in the world, as of September 2022.

“In just 48 years, the world population has doubled in size, jumping from four to eight billion. Of course, humans are not equally spread throughout the planet, and countries take all shapes and sizes. The visualizations in this article aim to build context on how the eight billion people are distributed around the world.”

NPG was founded 50 years ago to educate all Americans about the need for policies designed to slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth in order to protect our planet for future generations. Your support allows NPG to continue our efforts. If your local news features a story that may be of interest to us, please send a link to NPG@NPG.org.

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