

Today is the Day

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Editor's Note: Hey, it's Ryan. Here's an urgent message from our friends at Manward Press.

Ryan Fitzwater
Associate Publisher, Monument Traders Alliance

Today is the Day

Today's the day… the Fed's big meeting.

Later this afternoon, Jay Powell will take to the stage, holding the fate of the world's economy in his hand.

Millions of dollars will move on his word. Markets will flex. And the talking heads will dissect every word.

But here's the thing…

I don't think this is the meeting to pay attention to. Not at all.

There's another very special meeting scheduled for December 14. That's when all hell could break lose in the American economy.

I've got all the need-to-know details.

This is extremely important. If you own stocks… gold… or even have cash in the bank… you must pay attention.

Click this important link now.

Be well,

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press


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