

Your Signature is Needed: Protect grizzly bears from inhumane hunting


Your Action Needed to Save Grizzly Bears

The Problem: States are set to remove protections for grizzly bears, allowing trophy hunters to brutally murder them.

What You Can Do: Tell the US Fish and Wildlife Service to protect grizzlies from extinction by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

Your Actions Impact: Your message to USFWS can help convince it to strengthen Endangered Species Act protections for grizzly bears in all states.

Picture this: a mama bear lumbers through the wilderness with her cub. Surrounded by mountain peaks and glistening streams, they happily forage for their next meal. But suddenly, mama bear stumbles into the crosshairs of a merciless trophy hunter. A resounding BANG! Now, her cub is an orphan.

Grizzly bears are icons of the North American wilderness -- but they could soon be gone. With trophy hunters driving them CLOSE TO EXTINCTION, fewer than 2,000 grizzlies remain in the lower 48 states. Yet some states are working to make it EASIER to MURDER bears. Friend, grizzlies desperately need your help! Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT to strengthen grizzly bears' Endangered Species Act protections! 

Earlier this year, Idaho Fish and Game found a female grizzly with 12 BULLETS in her. She was shot an estimated 40 TIMES. This is the level of ferocity grizzly bears are facing without strengthened ESA protections.

Bears are running out of time. As you read this, states are working to make murdering grizzlies legal and trophy hunters are closing in. But with your help, we can fight back against the brutal killing of grizzly bears. If just 1 of every 5 people reading this email signs their name, we can help protect grizzlies from merciless trophy hunters!

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth


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