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Manward Financial Digest

Stock of the Week: A Soaring Biotech With an Impressive 34% CROCI


Will Biden Destroy the Dollars in Your Wallet?

First it was Nixon... and now it could be Biden.

On August 15, 1971, Nixon shocked the world by slashing the ties between gold and the dollar.

It set us up for surefire failure... the consequences of which we are paying for today.

Now it's Biden's turn. This time I suspect he'll go even further.

Click here to see why I'm convinced he'll start confiscating cash on March 22.

A Note From Amanda: This year, we launched Alpesh's popular video series Stock of the Week. In it, Alpesh gives you a taste of his award-winning stock-picking and hedge fund expertise. We sure hope you followed along... because the stocks Alpesh showed you could have netted you gains of 62%... 75%... and even 104%! All while the S&P has been down by double digits for much of the year.

Today, we'd like to share the stock that's been the biggest success from the series this year. It's up an impressive 120%... and you'll see why in the video below.

Be sure to tune in to Alpesh's videos in 2023... and become a subscriber to his GVI Investor research service, where you'll get exclusive recommendations backed by his hedge fund research. Click here for more details.

Alpesh Patel

Alpesh Patel
Trading Champion

There aren't many stocks that have gone up in 2022.

But this one has... after nearly doubling last year.

It's a biotechnology company that's addressing the huge and growing need to treat chronic diseases as our population ages.

It's seen some big gains over the past few years...

[Oh boy... Andy just went rogue (again!). He posted key info about his first pick of 2023... Click here to check it out.]

But even better... it has an impressive 34% CROCI (cash return on capital invested).

Find out which stock hits the mark for my Growth-Value-Income system this week...

It's all in the latest episode of Stock of the Week.

Click here or on the image below to watch it.

Video - A Soaring Biotech Stock With Impressive 34% 25CROCI

Happy hunting,


P.S. New year, new tickers! Send the stocks you'd like me to review in a note to mailbag@manwardpress.com. And be sure to let me know how you're enjoying this series.


"IMPERIUM": The #1 Investment of the 2020s

SFT Genomics

Could the technology behind this odd-looking machine really be the most transformative innovation in history?

Experts are screaming "YES"!

Elon Musk calls it "amazing..."

A former Apple CEO says "[it will] have a far bigger impact on humanity than the Internet"...

While a Harvard Ph.D. says it will "[surpass] the space, atomic, and electronic revolutions in its significance."

It's a technology I call "Imperium."

And it's about to spark the biggest investment mega trend in history... with one small Silicon Valley company at the center of it all. Want the details?

Then click here now...


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Alpesh Patel | Trading Champion

Alpesh Patel is an award-winning hedge fund and private equity fund manager, international bestselling author, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Praefinium Partners, a Financial Times top FTSE 100 forecaster, and a senior Dealmaker in the U.K.'s Department for International Trade. As a recognized authority on fintech, online trading and venture capital, his past and current client list includes American Express, Merrill Lynch HSBC, Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Barclays... and more.


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