

Reflecting on 2022 & Preparing for the Challenges of 2023

NPG: Reflecting on an Active and Productive 2022...

Preparing for the Challenges of 2023

The end of the year is a reflective time for any major company or organization and NPG is no different. As we contemplate our accomplishments in the past twelve months and look forward to what the new year will bring, we are pleased to report that NPG remains as strong and committed as ever.

Our strength comes from our enthusiastic and growing roster of members and supporters who consistently meet our calls for help in funding our valuable research, all-important educational programs, Congressional outreach activities, and media messaging.

As we move into our 51st year, we will continue to fulfill our mission and stand as an influential and highly-respected force in the fight to forge common sense solutions to our nation's dangerous immigration and population practices.

We remain firmly committed to our long-standing goal to slow, halt and eventually reverse today's soaring population numbers that greatly threaten the sustainability of our nation and the world.

In addition to disseminating our research to Members of Congress, academics and national policymakers, NPG has remained a leader in educating all Americans regarding the perils of immigration-driven population growth.

In the past year, NPG has celebrated many successes, including:

  • The 50th Anniversary year of our organization
  • The production and distribution of 8 new Forum papers
  • The annual scholarship contest, which saw 13 students receive $21,000 to put towards their education
  • The popular Teacher Packet program, which has been distributed to classrooms nationwide serving 18,216 students population related facts and activities
  • The 50+ NPG advertisements that were placed in print magazines and newspapers
  • And through our letters and petitions, members have kept the pressure on our elected leaders to protect our fragile environment from the scourge of too many people and to advance responsible immigration and population reforms.

As we look to 2023 and brace ourselves for the decisions Congress will make concerning our immigration system and policies, we certainly have our work cut out for us. Thankfully, we can continue to count on you - and all of our members - to fight for what is most important to all of us: leaving a sustainable future to our children and grandchildren.

Thank you again for all you do!  

Please remember NPG in your year-end giving.

DONATE TODAY and a generous NPG benefactor will MATCH your contribution.


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