

Chipotle embraces BeReal to be close to Gen Z

Created for ignoble.experiment@arconati.us |  Web Version
January 17, 2023
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Patrick Kulp highlights the most significant marketing-related tech trends from this year's CES, including the rise of retail media networks, which IAB CEO David Cohen predicts will be propelled with standardization "that's kicking off in earnest this year." Other technologies brands noted include augmented reality devices and software, artificial intelligence such as OpenAI's text generator ChatGPT, and a new evolution of social commerce.
Full Story: Adweek (1/13) 
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Succession planning for family businesses
A smooth transition to the next generation requires planning far ahead of time; in this article Deloitte Private outlines the steps you need to take to help ensure you're setting up the next generation for success. Read more.
Social Business Reader Poll
Have you tried OpenAI's ChatGPT yet?
It seems like you can't open a marketing and communications media source without seeing some reference to ChatGPT. While this poll makes us guilty of that, too, we want to know if you've tested the ChatGPT waters. Check back Wednesday for results!
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VoteI have and think it will never get widespread use in PR, social media, ads, etc.
Marketing Tech Talk: Using programmatic data to bring in new TV advertisers
Connected TV is expected to see a 14.4% increase in spending compared to 2022. Join SmartBrief and industry experts as they discuss how programmatic data and technology can bring new advertisers to TV advertising for the first time. Register now.
Connecting & Collaborating
Chipotle Mexican Grill has been an early adopter of new social media platforms and was one of the first to launch a campaign on BeReal, a platform that is only just starting to gain traction in the US. "We saw incredible potential with being an early mover on BeReal and tapping into the Gen Z audience," said Candice Beck, Chipotle's director of social, influencer and Web3. "We aim to meet our fans where they are."
Full Story: Nation's Restaurant News (free registration) (1/12) 
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Get ahead by switching to Google Analytics 4
Marketers should transition to Google Analytics 4 as soon as possible to take advantage of more powerful digital consumer insights, advises Nicole Penn, president of EGC Group and co-founder of Raydeus Local. "GA4 was designed to work across multiple platforms, doesn't rely on cookies and, instead, leverages an event-based data model to deliver user-centric measurement. That's game-changing," Penn writes.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Marketing (1/16) 
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Retailers will continue to look to grow their brands in the metaverse in 2023 with an emphasis on connecting physical products with digital assets. Token-based engagement and digital product passports for luxury goods will be among the strategies used, says Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, CEO of Web3 platform Arianee.
Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (1/13) 
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Marketer Moments
Grey NY, Pfizer again show that "Science Will Win"
Grey New York created a 90-second spot for Pfizer's "Science Will Win" campaign that's running across social and digital with a possible broadcast rollout. The ad highlights how "losers" such as doubt, hopelessness, fear, sorrow and illness are vanquished "when science wins."
Full Story: Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (1/13) 
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Platform News
TikTok reportedly crafts $1.5B plan to satisfy US regulators
TikTok's $1.5 billion plan for its US operations is designed to appease those seeking to ban the app due to fears of the China government's access to users' data. Sources say the plan includes creating an algorithm monitoring system housed with Oracle and overseen by third-party monitors that would flag issues, and forming a 2,500-person subsidiary to safeguard the app and report to a board of directors that is responsible to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (1/16) 
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Twitter is reprising a similar deal it ran in December and matching up to $250,000 in advertising that runs by Feb. 28 with an equal amount of free ad space, according to emails acquired by the Wall Street Journal. Marketers must use Twitter's keyword-avoidance tool and other select tools to qualify for the deal.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (1/17) 
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Measurement Matters
Digital ads have some relevance to 41% of US adults who see them, up from 30% in 2021, CivicScience reports. Respondents ranked TikTok as the top social media outlet for ad relevance, with Twitter and Instagram taking second and third place.
Full Story: MediaPost Communications (free registration) (1/16) 
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Social Shareable
Hangry dog's reaction at late supper goes viral
It's typical for anyone to get a bit hangry while waiting for a meal to be served, but TikTok user @MyPitskyAndMe's pit bull terrier Rocky's vocal response to his dinner being four minutes late is attracting a lot of viewers and comments. One viewer called the tardy supper "a breach of contract" while another remarked that a four-minute delay is "at least an hour late in dog year(s) though."
Full Story: PetHelpful (1/16) 
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About the Editor
Mike Driehorst
Mike Driehorst
(That's me on the right, with Rocky ensuring I have a good head on my shoulders.)
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CMOs need to be thinking about how are you selling on social, not just participating.
Emily Ketchen, chief marketing officer of the Intelligent Devices Group at Lenovo, as quoted by Adweek
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