

I almost died

A few months ago, my wife Stephanie and I were in a serious car accident, on the interstate, at night. We were driving home from dropping our daughter off at graduate school in Chicago when we hit a stray truck tire at 75 mph and slammed into the divider wall.

Dear Reader,

A few months ago, my wife Stephanie and I were in a serious car accident, on the interstate, at night.

We were driving home from dropping our daughter off at graduate school in Chicago when we hit a stray truck tire at 75 mph and slammed into the divider wall.

Stephanie's been in rehab for a serious leg injury ever since.

But we know we're lucky to be alive.

We ended up sharing a 90-mile ride with a tow truck driver who had COVID at the time and didn't know it.

And spent the next few weeks – when we should have been recovering – sick ourselves.

But, as this new year begins, all I feel is gratitude.

(And I'm "paying it forward" in a big way to you, right here.)

I'm grateful to be alive...

Grateful to have been able to support my elderly parents while my dad faced a serious illness this year. (I'm happy to say he's now getting better.)

Grateful to have the means to visit my four young adult children all over the country, and to be able to support them as well.

And grateful that I'm not worrying about a dwindling 401(k) like so many of my friends.

I haven't experienced anything remotely like that.

Instead, I've continued to receive a steady, legally protected stream of investment income... right through the turmoil of the last year.

The stock market hasn't affected me one bit.

And I'm still enjoying an early retirement that I never dreamed was possible a few years ago.

All thanks to this.

For me, there's never any mystery about how much money I can expect to receive from my investments... and exactly when.

It's not because I'm some market wizard. (I'm pretty much the opposite of that.)

And I won't touch confusing and risky investments like cryptos.

I set this all up in a couple minutes every month, tops.

I'm so, so thankful for the folks who showed this to me...

And if I can pass it on to a few more people – I'd be very happy.

It costs you nothing to hear my real story... and find out in full how this works.

And if you do decide to try the research that changed my life, I've made sure that it's going to be on the best terms ever offered, period.

In gratitude,

Rob Lamoureux
Stansberry Subscriber
Albany, N.Y.


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