

Kick Off the New Year With Statistics in Schools Resources!

We want to wish you a very Happy New Year!

Statistics in Schools brings subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau data to create materials for use year after year at all grade levels.

Kick Off the New Year With Statistics in Schools Resources!

We want to wish you a very Happy New Year! We hope this year is filled with many opportunities to learn and grow. The Statistics in Schools program has resources to help kick off the new year showing students how data fits into their world. Take a look at the offerings we have for National Trivia Day and Make Your Dreams Come True Day, along with additional content throughout the month! Also, don't forget to look at our Monthly Highlights page to find even more resources commemorating events in January.

National Trivia Day – January 4


Gear up for National Trivia Day with one of our engaging Kahoot! games! We have options covering a variety of topics from holidays to careers and education. You can even explore statistics on America's diverse population with one of our heritage month games. Encourage students to get competitive with their peers while learning interesting, real-world statistics about our nation.

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Make Your Dreams Come True Day – January 13

My Dream Home

Close your eyes and make a wish—now's your chance to make your dreams come true! To celebrate this inspiring day, check out our elementary school math activity, My Dream Home. This fun activity has students review housing data and compare amongst their classmates. Then, they have a chance to imagine what their dream home might look like and construct it using two-dimensional shapes.

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About Statistics in Schools

We provide more than 200 activities and resources for teaching and learning with real-life data. Enhance and invigorate learning in many subjects while educating your students about the value and everyday use of statistics. Visit census.gov/schools to learn more and explore standards-aligned, classroom ready activities.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (http://www.census.gov/about/contact-us.html).  

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