

⭐ A long-term stock market superstar...



Wealthy Retirement


MASSIVE Sales Record 🚀🚀🚀


One company just set another massive sales record.

The company brings in more revenue than Netflix or Tesla... yet it trades at a fraction of the price. And there's a very unusual reason. See for yourself here.

State of the Market

It's actually easier to hit the jackpot in the stock market than at the casino.

The stock market goes up 75% of the time on average. If gamblers in casinos made money 3 out of every 4 years, Vegas would be a ghost town...

Big gains can be had in the markets if you know where to look... like at options.

Now, options trading isn't as complicated or intimidating as it seems. That's why Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld is going to help break it down for you.

Check out his video on how to increase your upside potential now.

Dividend Safety Grade

Reports of shopping malls' deaths have been greatly exaggerated. That said, it's not an easy business these days.

While some malls are struggling, this real estate investment trust remains pretty solid.

The company pays a $1.80 quarterly dividend, which gives it a strong yield of 5.9%. But can dividend shoppers rely on it to pay at least that much each year?

Safety Net frowns upon declining cash flow, so this isn't something we want to see...

Chart: Erratic FFO

If funds from operations don't improve the way Wall Street expects them to in 2023, we'll have to take a very close look at the dividend to see if a cut is on the way.

Click here to reveal whose dividend is not very safe.

The Value Meter

You may not have heard of this company, but it's a long-term stock market superstar.

A $10,000 investment made in 1995 would now be worth a cool $3.9 million!

Chart: Massive Growth

But given the stock's meteoric rise, has it already seen its heyday?

Or, thanks to its business model of recurring revenue, are its best days still to come?

Click here to find out which company is making a splash...

"I am learning to diversify my investments and have learned a lot about dividends and starting to invest in those stocks." - Wealthy Retirement Reader Albert B.

Have an experience that you'd like to share with the team at Wealthy Retirement? Click here to send us a message.


Putin's massive MISTAKE could make a small number of Americans RICH

Putin Fire

Source: Wikimedia Commons


Investors in this little-known energy company will love Putin for the stupid blunder he's made across Europe.

This is your chance to potentially rake in a small fortune in the next 18 months.

But you must hurry...

This rare profit window could close soon.

Click here for details.

Image of a man using phone and laptop to track stocks

Turn a Little Into a Lot (With Better Odds Than the Jackpot)

Odds are that you didn't win the $1.1 billion lottery this month. But that's okay, because there are much better ways to turn a little bit of money into a lot of money. Read more here.

America: The Land of Innovation >>

This Chart Says We Should Be Worried About a Recession >>

Lock In These Higher Yields Now! >>

Explore the Wonders of Israel, Jordan and Egypt


Bombshell opportunity: "America's Next Big Monopoly"

Next Big Monopoly

A little-known company is making all the right moves to destroy the competition in today's hottest industry.

The media is already comparing it to the biggest success stories of our times. While Forbes says this company could be the next Apple or Microsoft, Barron's says this could be the "next big thing."

Bill Gates has already invested millions into this company. So has tech investor Cathie Wood.

If you're looking for massive gains... this could well be the biggest opportunity of your lifetime.

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