

Why do you support The Trevor Project?

Why do you support The Trevor Project? Please share

Hi Friend of Trevor,

Hard to believe it's already the end of January! I hope your 2023 is off to a happy, peaceful, and healthy start.

I also want to thank you for being part of The Trevor Project community, which always shows up in a BIG and LIFE-SAVING way to keep our mission moving forward! Last year, 162,232 compassionate folks like you made contributions to support Trevor's free, confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention services — 24/7/365.

I love learning what inspires our community members to be so generous. I thought you might, too, so here are a few of the heartfelt messages we received last year:

Because human beings deserve to be loved for who they are. It's that simple.
Having the Trevor Project be there for someone in their time of need means everything to me so I give what I can.
I believe my life would have been very different if I had been able to reach out to people who understood and cared.  The Trevor Project does amazing work and many young gay people are still alive because of you.

I'd love to hear why Trevor is important to you! Please share whatever feels comfortable. Anything you write will remain anonymous.


We're so lucky that you're with us — and so excited to be working together this year to create the warm, welcoming world that LGBTQ young people deserve. A world where they are loved and accepted for who they are — and can envision their bright futures.

With gratitude and in community,

Amanda Ryan-Smith
Chief Development Officer
The Trevor Project

Support Trevor's mission to make LGBTQ young people in crisis — every single one — feel loved and accepted for who they are. Your gift will help provide free, confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention services — 24/7/365.

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The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

© 2023 The Trevor Project. All rights reserved. PO Box 69232
West Hollywood, CA 90069 | Unsubscribe
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