

For You: War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever

Plus, War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever
February 27, 2023


War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever

Deadly Russian Artillery Strikes Reported in Ukraine's East and South

Desperate for Babies, China Races to Undo an Era of Birth Limits. Is It Too Late?

What Layoffs? Many Employers Are Eager to Hang On to Workers.

He Survived the Trade Center Bombing. 'I Always Knew They'd Be Back.'

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My Friend Is Dating a Murderer. Should I Do Anything About It?

The magazine's Ethicist columnist on what to do when a roommate is in a relationship with a convicted killer.

Why I Watch the Closing Credits of Every Movie I See

One look is enough to challenge the myth of the genius auteur calling all the shots.

'The Democratic Party in New York Is a Disaster'

After losing crucial seats in the congressional midterms, a bitter civil war over the moribund state organization has spilled into the open.

I Think My Friend Could Be Autistic. Do I Tell Her?

The magazine's Ethicist columnist on broaching a difficult topic with a loved one.

Modern Dads Are Embarrassing. Which Just Might Be Good Politics.

The Congressional Dads Caucus makes savvy use of its own faint goofiness.

Tomorrow: From Opinion

Every day we'll feature stories from a different section. Check back daily.


Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.

Arriving in record numbers, they're ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom.

'I Could See All of My Neighbors Sitting Out on Their Porch Steps'

A special cab ride home, getting a watch fixed and more reader tales of New York City in this week's Metropolitan Diary.

Frozen Poop Chisels and Amputated Toes: A Life of Arctic Adventure

"Wanderlust," Reid Mitenbuler's biography of the early-20th-century Danish explorer Peter Freuchen, examines a man drawn to some of the most isolated places on Earth.


Why Aren't Doctors Screening Older Americans for Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are common among seniors, but an influential panel seems likely to recommend against routine screening. Some experts disagree.

Opinion | The Best Way to Explain the G.O.P. Is Found in the W.W.E.

Kayfabe — the knowledge that pro wrestling is fake — has a long and rich history in American entertainment. It also explains something deep about G.O.P. politics now.

M.L.B. Has Labor Peace, but Also Plenty of Posturing

The head of the players' union spoke out against the concept of a salary cap, but team owners remain concerned about the sport's economic model as cable networks struggle.

Newspapers Drop 'Dilbert' After Creator's Rant About Black 'Hate Group'

Scott Adams, who created the syndicated comic strip, also said that white people should "get the hell away from Black people," prompting criticism from editors across the country.

For Thomas Mann, the World's Chaos Is Inside the House

A newly translated story by the German master explores a father's feelings for his children in a time of fierce social change.


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