

An eye-opening email from my boss...



Wealthy Retirement

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Crazy Phenomenon Is CRUSHING Retail Stocks


If you own Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Rite Aid or any other retail stock, you need to watch this right away.

It's killing your stocks, and you need to make some changes.

An Eye-Opening Email

Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

Marc Lichtenfeld

I was recently forwarded an email by Julia Guth, CEO and Executive Publisher of The Oxford Club and Chair of the Board of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic. The email came from one of Julia's friends, who stated their goal was to "completely live off of dividends and continue to support the Clinic," which helps the community by providing healthcare, clean water and other services in Nicaragua.

(If you'd like to see the good work done by The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic or help out with a tax-deductible donation, click here.)

It's a fantastic goal - to be able to live off the income produced by your investments and help those who need it.

My goal - whether I'm writing about dividends here in Wealthy Retirement, coaching you on them in my book Get Rich with Dividends or making specific stock recommendations in my newsletter, The Oxford Income Letter - is to help investors do exactly what Julia's friend hopes to achieve.

I want to help you generate enough passive income from dividends that you never have to worry about money again and can do the things you yearn to do, like travel, buy some new toys or support worthy organizations.

Since it's tax time, I'll put this out there too... If your income is derived mostly from dividends and held in a taxable account, you'll be taxed at the lower dividend tax rate than the likely higher ordinary income tax rate.

If the dividend payers are in a Roth IRA, you won't pay any tax on the money.

If the stocks are held in a regular IRA or 401(k), you will be taxed at the ordinary income rate.

So how do you get to the point where you can live off dividend income?

Obviously, a lot will have to do with your lifestyle. But the longer you invest, the more your money will grow.

The key is to own Perpetual Dividend Raisers. These are stocks that raise their dividends every year. And you want to own the ones that raise their dividends by a meaningful amount so the increases are at least keeping up with inflation.

If you invest $100,000 in a portfolio with a starting yield of 4%, dividends growing at an 8% annual clip and stocks performing in line with the S&P 500 historical average, after 10 years, your investment is worth $229,032 and you're earning $7,996 annually in dividends.

After 20 years, your nest egg is worth $524,559 and your annual dividends are $17,262.

With a 30-year time horizon, you're looking at $1,201,414, which generates $37,269 in annual dividends.


Here's what inflation does to your money...

Inflation Devouring Money

With inflation devouring the savings of retirees across the country...

You need a plan.

Fortunately, we've discovered that one group of stocks DOMINATES the market during times of high inflation.

Click here to discover the No. 1 investment. (Hint: It's not gold or crypto.)

Now watch what happens if you reinvest your dividends. If you don't need the cash spun off by these stocks yet, you can automatically reinvest the dividends. You just tell your broker that's what you want to do. It's very simple.

When you reinvest the dividends, you automatically buy more stock with the dividends (nothing out of pocket). You buy more shares and generate more dividends to buy more shares and generate even more dividends...

Look how big the numbers get when you reinvest.

After 10 years of reinvesting, instead of the solid $229,032 producing $7,996 in annual dividends, you have $334,911 that's spinning off $11,588. At the 20-year mark, you have $1,097,596 in your account, nearly double the $524,559 you'd have if you didn't reinvest. And the income generated totals $35,824, which is more than double the $17,262 in the earlier example.

At 30 years of reinvesting, you're sitting on $3,524,108, nearly triple the $1,201,414 you would have if you didn't reinvest. And you're collecting $107,572 per year in dividends - on an original investment of $100,000.

Chart: Annual Dividend Income

Keep in mind, you can stop reinvesting dividends anytime you need and start taking them as income. So if you're reinvesting dividends, your circumstances change and you need the cash flow from your dividends, simply quit reinvesting and start collecting the dividends.

If you don't have the time horizon to reinvest dividends, Perpetual Dividend Raisers will still help you a great deal.

Imagine getting a big 8% or 10% bump in your income every year. Maybe that will happen with Social Security if inflation is sky-high. With Perpetual Dividend Raisers, it happens year after year, boosting your buying power.

The best part about living off your dividends is never having to touch the principal since your nest egg spins off enough income every year to live on.

Whether you're years away from retirement or you're already retired, Perpetual Dividend Raisers should be an important part of your retirement plan. Maybe they'll help you end up like Julia's friend, carefree about your investments and supporting organizations you care about.

Good investing,


P.S. For those of you who are anxious to get started with Perpetual Dividend Raisers, the third edition of my book Get Rich with Dividends is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

If you pre-order Get Rich with Dividends now, Amazon is guaranteeing that you will pay the lowest price that it is offered at between now and April 4 (when the book is released).

I hope you enjoy the third edition of Get Rich with Dividends.

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Explore the Wonders of Israel, Jordan and Egypt


Biden's Plan to Confiscate Your Cash?

Burning Money

On March 9, 2022, President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067.

This Order could pave the way for Democrats holding onto power in 2024.

In fact, they could control America indefinitely.

A former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon believes this order could allow for legal government surveillance of all US citizens; total control over your bank accounts and purchases; and the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

To protect your freedom and your wealth, see his dark warning now.

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