

BREAKING - Former CIA Advisor: Biden bombed Nord Stream?

Manward Financial Digest

Here's an urgent note from Jim Rickards at Paradigm Press. The message that Jim relayed to his readers is very interesting, and we want to share it with you.

- Alex Moschina, Associate Publisher

WARNING for Patriotic Americans

Dear Reader,

On the morning of September 26, 2022…

Four undersea explosions ripped 60-foot holes in Russia's Nord Stream pipeline…Sending gas pouring into the ocean…

And leaving the pipeline crippled for years.

The Biden Administration blames Russia, but…

That's a bald-faced lie. You're about to see why I am now certain…

Joe Biden ordered the Nord Stream attack.

And his mistake is about to plunge us all into Hell…

>>Welcome to Biden's American Energy Armageddon<<

To the truth,

Jim Rickards
Former CIA & Pentagon Advisor, Paradigm Press

P.S. In the next 75 days, I predict Americans will face fuel shortages, widespread blackouts, empty grocery shelves, $1000 energy bills, drained retirement accounts… and a new crime wave. See my full warning here.

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