

Happy, happy, joy, joy

We tapped Alex Colkitt for her life coaching tips and tools.
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Hello, and happy Friday! Shout-out to my newsletter pals Ginger and Tim, who covered for me this week while I took time off to rest and reset. I missed you all even if you didn't notice I was gone.
But enough about me. How are you doing? If you could use a bit more joy in your life, you might be excited about today's interview guest. Alex Colkitt is a national board certified health and wellness coach and self-proclaimed happiness expert, and she's got some helpful tips and tools for you below.
After our joy-filled Q&A, we're talking about:
my go-to magnetic fidget putty toy
findings from the 2023 World Happiness Report
the latest self-care trend: "everything showers"
more health stories you need
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Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
March 24, 2023 • 6 min read
Alex Colkitt was making a six-figure salary with great benefits, living with someone she planned to marry, and enjoying New York City as her playground every weekend. Sounds ideal, right? Nope, she says she was "miserable." After making changes in the name of The Pursuit of Happiness, she's now thriving while living her dream life and helping others do the same as a life coach.
Below, Colkitt shares tips on how you can beat burnout, redefine success, and live a happier, healthier life, too.
*This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: As a life and happiness coach, what do you find usually leads folks to a happy, fulfilling life?
A: The most common value that leads people to happiness and fulfillment in life is the quality of their relationships.
First, the most important relationship you'll ever have in your life is with yourself. When you're taking care of your health and well-being, prioritizing the activities that fill your cup, and treating yourself with kindness and compassion, you allow yourself to be authentically you. When you're fully living in alignment with yourself, you'll undoubtedly feel happiness every day.
That internal happiness then bleeds into external relationships. You'll bring people into your life who love you exactly for who you are.
Q: What are some sneaky signs of burnout you've seen through working with your clients? What tips do you have to help folks avoid that overwhelm and fatigue?
A: Burnout is so much more common than we think, and the signs can easily be written off as "normal," especially with hustle culture raging in our society.
Common signs of burnout are:
  • Extreme exhaustion: You don't have the energy to do anything, including things that usually bring you joy.
  • Detachment and indifference: You're detached from work because you think it's meaningless and don't care about the outcome.
  • Loss of motivation: You tend to procrastinate and avoid things you know you can do, you just don't want to do them.
As tempting as it is to stay up late in order to reclaim some of your free time, focus on getting a good night's sleep. Sleep is your body and mind's No. 1 defense against stress, as this is when your body actively removes excess cortisol (stress hormone) to restore balance to the body. You'll wake up a bit more refreshed and better able to handle life's stressors.
Greg Grunberg
Q: Can you offer a couple of questions or journal prompts that readers can reflect on to help them figure out if they're truly happy or what might guide them to a better place?
A: These three questions are going to help you realize if the actions you're taking every day are leading to happiness and fulfillment or if there's a disconnect between what you want versus what you're currently doing.
  1. When you're on your deathbed looking back at your life with no regrets, how do you define a successful life?
  2. What kind of impact do you want to make?
  3. How do you want to feel every day?
Q: What's something someone can do to shift their mindset and start feeling happier right now?
A: Gratitude is my No. 1 recommended habit of happiness. We tend to fall into comparison traps (thanks, social media!) that lead to us wanting things just because someone else has them. Comparison is the thief of joy, so by practicing gratitude, your focus remains on all the good things you do have in your life and helps you feel content and happy right now in your present circumstance.
It's really easy to implement right away. Stick to a consistent practice, and you'll start to feel happier fairly quickly.
Q: Do you have any words of support or encouragement for people who might feel stuck or unhappy in their current position and don't know what to do to improve their circumstances?
If you're feeling unhappy but you're not sure what to do, it's OK to ask for help. As a strong-willed independent woman, I thought I could figure it all out on my own, but I wouldn't be where I am today without the support I have from friends, family, mentors, and coaches. Now I offer that same help, support, and encouragement through my signature coaching program, Life-Work Balance Blueprint, because I truly believe happiness is a choice, and we all deserve to live our happiest, healthiest life, unapologetically.
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better.
Speks Crags
Speks Crags
Anxiety and ADHD have ~blessed~ me with the urge to constantly pick my nails and skin. Fidget toys help me remain chill during meetings, while driving, and simply existing. My favorite toy? Speks.
The way these 500 tiny magnetic stones pull apart, click together, and morph into whatever shape you want is *so* satisfying. My skin and brain are grateful these exist. (PS: They're such a hit that my niece, cousin, and brother all bought them after trying mine at family outings.)
Shop now
Joyful findings from the 2023 World Happiness Report
Weird Science
Joyful findings from the 2023 World Happiness Report
How happy is your country? If you're curious, the World Happiness Report (WHR) might tell you. This annual report compiles well-being data from nations across the globe based on factors like healthcare access, political stability, and vulnerability to the effects of climate change. Well, the 2023 report just dropped, and the rankings are in: The top five happiest countries are Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, and the Netherlands.
According to the WHR, certain themes typically correlate to overall joy, no matter where you live. These include:
having someone to count on
a sense of freedom to make key life decisions
the absence of corruption
Countries at the bottom of the list, like Lebanon (136) and Afghanistan (137), score lower on life satisfaction based on a lack of all of the above.
After reviewing this report, it's clear that there's a strong happiness gap across the world. Closing that gap largely depends on government action. But like Colkitt mentioned above, you have the power and ability to increase your own joy. If you're looking for ways to boost your mood, consider starting with these 27 habits to add to your routine.
Tell us: Where do you rank on the happiness scale from 1 to 10? Which factors tend to influence how happy you feel on any given day? Share your thoughts with us at wellnesswire@healthline.com. (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming newsletter!)
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🚿 ️️The latest self-care trend: "everything showers." This self-care ritual with 32 million views on TikTok is gaining attention for its potential mental health benefits.
🏥 Breakthrough treatment "cured" first woman of HIV. She's one of four people who has reached a status of remission after stem cell transplants.
👻 What is phantom pain? We define it, explore the different types, causes, what it can feel like, and treatment options.
👯 4 ways to improve your social life. Want more friends? There are plenty of things you can do to form new connections with others and reap the health perks of socializing.
Thanks for reading! TGIF, am I right? I'm off to go enjoy the weekend. I hope you can do the same and rest up in time for our fun sleep-themed newsletter on Monday. 💤
Did you enjoy this interview?
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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