

The One Bank to Bet on RIGHT NOW



Wealthy Retirement

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O'Reilly Invites "Futurist" on Camera to Defend Outrageous Wealth Prediction (Uh-Oh!!)

See It Now

Bill O'Reilly will challenge anyone...

Jon Stewart, Barack Obama, Donald Trump... even the entire cast of The View.

Rarely will you ever see O'Reilly himself SHOCKED by anything...

But that's exactly what happened after he invited a "futurist" to defend an outrageous prediction about the financial future of America. You'll GASP when you see this...


The One Bank to Bet on Amid the Panic

Jody Chudley, Contributing Analyst, The Oxford Club

Jody Chudley

My highest-conviction investment idea during the COVID-19 crash was the American banking sector, specifically the SPDR S&P Bank ETF (NYSE: KBE).

American banks went into the pandemic with historically strong balance sheets.

They were at no risk of failure.

On top of that, the rock-bottom valuations that were available as the market panicked made this exchange-traded fund an extraordinary opportunity.

This bank trade worked out great. The banking sector doubled within a year, far outpacing the S&P 500.

Chart: Banking Sector vs. the Market

Now here we are in the midst of another market panic in the financial sector. And I believe opportunity is knocking again.

To find out which national bank The Value Meter is bullish on, keep reading...

Explore the Wonders of Israel, Jordan and Egypt


Will Biden Destroy the Dollars in Your Wallet?

First it was Nixon... and now it could be Biden.

On August 15, 1971, Nixon shocked the world by slashing the ties between gold and the dollar.

It set us up for surefire failure... the consequences of which we are paying for today.

Now it's Biden's turn. This time I suspect he'll go even further.

Click here to see why I'm convinced he'll start confiscating cash on June 14.

How to Profit From the Surge (Outside the Stock Market)... Click Here.

Could "XRI" Spark the Biggest Investment Boom Since the Internet?


This could literally save your retirement

The Prophet

The man CNBC called "The Prophet" says he'd put 50% of his kid's college fund in this stock. He reveals the name and the ticker symbol here...

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