

Your Signature Is Needed: Do you want your taxpayer dollars to fund abusive factory farms?


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Do not LET the USDA continue using taxpayer dollars to support the abusive factory farm industry!

Big meat and dairy companies don't want you to know the truth about what really goes on at factory farms, Friend.

Hens shoved in cages so small they can't even spread their wings. Pregnant pigs confined to metal pens without enough room to turn around. Helpless animals deprived of fresh air and sunlight, crammed into spaces where they can barely breathe -- for their entire lives.

And while these poor animals endure abuse, Big Ag is raking in MASSIVE PROFITS -- with major help from the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS that the USDA grants them. Is that where you want your taxpayer dollars spent, Friend? Shouldn't the public's money be invested in more humane, sustainable food production? Tell the USDA that you demand an END to public funds being used to support factory farms! >>

Animals aren't the only ones harmed by factory farms -- people and our planet suffer, too.

The unsanitary conditions are breeding grounds for bacteria and disease. In fact, industrial-scale farming produces THREE TIMES more fecal waste than people -- that toxic waste seeps into local waterways and can even contaminate our AIR, WATER, and FOOD. Yuck!

These giant factory farms also release TONS of climate-warming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and they're most often located in low-wealth communities, leaving people of color to bear the brunt and health risks of this hazardous pollution. Please, Friend, we can't let the USDA keep giving handouts to Big Ag and continue funding this harmful industry. Will you add your name right now to demand that the USDA STOPS supporting factory farms immediately?

Thanks for taking action!
Friends of the Earth


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