

Fed worries? Join me now to put your mind at ease…

I want to reveal the strongest pattern I've detected in the markets right now

Pattern recognition is one of the most powerful skills any trader can have…

But when the patterns are crystal clear, it doesn't take any kind of advanced degree or years of market experience to take advantage.

And that's what my research into the Income Calendar has uncovered — an unparalleled edge in the stock market.

That's because, according to our study, there is an extensive list of stocks that have gone up on the exact same calendar date every year for ten years or more!

And, with this knowledge, we could have placed one remarkable income trade that could have cashed out $1,000 or more on any of these moves with just a $5,000 starting stake!

Now, what I can't guarantee you is that these stocks will always keep going up on the same date. Nobody has a crystal ball.

But I do know that when you have THAT kind of a pattern, you'd be a fool not to try and trade it. And I want to show you how today during our Fed Focus all-day event.

Join me LIVE right here, and I'll give you not only the top 10 trades from the Income Calendar for FREE, but also, a huge opportunity to place my next trade with me THIS week.

See you soon,



Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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