

Special Discount For The First 50 New Members Today

(Get a brand new Income Calendar alert every week)

Imagine if you could have placed a quick trade every year — on one specific date and potentially earned more than $1,000 in just a few days…

What if according to my study, this strategy worked — not just once or twice— but for an entire decade… and on DOZENS of different stocks?

That's the power of my ground-breaking Income Calendar, and it can give you an unbelievable edge in the markets.

When you join my elite group of Income Calendar traders, I'll be sending you a brand new Income Calendar Alert every week, backed by a ten-year perfect track record!

But The Income Calendar doesn't just tell me what stocks to buy… It also gives me a list of stocks to avoid like the plague!

That's why each month, I'll also send you a curated Buyers Beware Watchlist of stocks you should stay away from!

I've loaded this program with many more bonuses to help you succeed in the market.

Take a look at everything you'll get when you join me right now:


But wait, there's more!

To sweeten the pot, I've got a special deal for the first fifty people who take action today:

If you're one of the first 50 to join me today, I'm offering a 50% discount on this program!

According to my research, The Income Calendar has a 10 year track record of success, so don't hesitate to get in on these trades:

Click here to take advantage of this limited-time offer now!

Trade well,

Jack Carter


The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system.


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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