

The Bost Bulletin

News from Rep. Bost


The Bost Bulletin

Dear Friend,

America is $31 trillion in debt. This generational debt that will anchor itself around the necks of our children and grandchildren. Both parties got us into this mess, but unfortunately only one is willing to do anything about it. I’m proud that Republicans passed a conservative, commonsense bill this week that will conquer our debt crisis while protecting Social Security, Medicare, and veterans’ benefits. Read on for more information on this and other key issues from the week that was.

Defeating Our Debt 

House Republicans passed a debt limit bill last week that will responsibly increase the debt limit through March 2024 in exchange for significant and historic reductions in government spending. The Limit, Save, Grow Act flattens the curve on future spending, puts hard caps in place to prevent big, year-over-year increases, and recoups unspent COVID relief funds. It also will save American taxpayers $3 trillion to $4 trillion dollars. This isn’t reckless. It’s common sense and absolutely necessary.

I won’t sit idle as President Biden and the Democrats resort to scare tactics and hiding from the negotiating table. Conservatives are restoring fiscal sanity and lifting the burden on our children and grandchildren, whether the Big Government liberals like it or not. I encourage you to check out this op-ed written by my colleague, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), a leader of the House Freedom Caucus, about why this legislation is a great thing for America.

Fighting Back Against Liberal Lies

President Biden and the D.C. Democrats have done nothing but scream and wail about the fact that we’re stopping their reckless spending. They are trying to scare seniors into believing they will lose their Social Security and Medicare and our veterans into believing they will lose their benefits. As chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I can tell you it’s a lie. In fact, I took to the House floor to denounce House Democrats for distorting the truth and their phantom cuts and reminded them that Republicans have pledged to protect veterans’ funding.

Clearing the Roads of Fraudsters Who Cash In on Insurance Claims

At some point you may have been the victim of an automobile insurance scam where another driver falsely accused you of causing an accident. It's an incredibly frustrating experience for anyone who's gone through it. Last week I reintroduced the Highway Accident Fairness Act of 2023 which will help stop these fraudulent, staged automobile accidents in their tracks. This legislation will hold individuals accountable for risking the safety of other commuters and the livelihoods of the hardworking truckers and motorists they target.

Stopping Biden from Looking the Other Way on China's Cheating

Sometimes it seems President Biden is more interested in propping up the Chinese economy than he is building up our own. The latest maddening example is Biden lifting tariffs on Chinese solar panels, despite the fact they are cheating our trade laws and laundering their products through other countries to get into the American market undetected.

I’m pleased the House voted to hold China accountable for cheating our tariffs. Even Democrats are throwing up their arms and asking what in the world the Biden administration is doing.

Celebrating Israel's 75th Anniversary

As the State of Israel marks its 75th anniversary this week, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate America's partnership with one of our greatest allies. Israel has had a tremendous impact on the modern world, and freedom loving nations everywhere are better off for it. We must continue to stand together in defense of our shared values.


Announcing the 2023 Congressional Art Competition Winner

On Friday I announced that the winner of the 2023 Congressional Art Competition is "Ted," by Natalie Weber of Freeburg High School. Natalie, you did an incredible job, and the meaning behind your piece makes it all the more special:

“We got my dog Ted from a shelter when I was in 8th grade,” Natalie said. “When I graduate high school this spring, I will have to move away from him. He was my source of comfort and joy during all the tribulations of being a teenager. My love for him is showcased in his eye and I hope my adoration is captured.”

Congratulations to Natalie for winning our 2023 competition. Not only did her artwork show great skill, but it also told the story of love for a pet, growing up, and preparing to leave home and family for new beginnings. I’m looking forward to seeing it hang at the Capitol later this year. A special thank you to the 61 Southern Illinois high school students who participated this year, as well as our judges, teachers, and reception hosts who made it all possible. Job well done!


Murphysboro Open House

Thanks to all who joined up for our Open House at our new Murphysboro constituent office. Stop by 1109 Chestnut St. or call us at (618) 457-5787 if we can be of service to you or your family!


To stay updated on the work I am doing, make sure you follow me on Facebook or Twitter. And if you would like to receive these email updates, make sure you sign up for my newsletter here

- Mike 


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