| Joel Salatin Contributor | Two weeks ago, I spoke at the sixth annual CoMo Wellness Conference in Columbia, Missouri. The theme was "A Better Way." When I do this type of gathering, I learn more than I teach. That was certainly the case at this one. [Discover the Top Passive Income Opportunity for 2023... Click Here. ] In 20-minute vignettes, many speakers described their sickness journeys and how they dealt with their health issues outside the orthodox medical system. Of course, in every case, insurance didn't pay for alternative treatments. The most glaring story was from a fellow who had prostate cancer. His MRI showed clear abnormalities. His urologist wanted him to start radiation and chemotherapy immediately. This man had a couple of friends who had gone the conventional prostate treatment route. They suffered debilitating side effects. Having heard of the Institute of Natural Health in St. Louis, he went there on the chance its medical team might have an alternative. The doctors there began a 14-treatment regimen of injections into the prostate over three months. He began feeling better immediately, and a subsequent MRI revealed no abnormalities. As if that story weren't important enough by itself, here's the kicker. When he took the test results back to his original urologist, the doctor said such complete healing was highly abnormal but couldn't argue with the MRI. When the patient said, "I hope you'll tell your future patients about this alternative," the doctor replied, "I can't do that. It would be illegal." Not Okay Another speaker at the conference was a medical doctor who routinely prescribes photobiomodulation. That's also known as incandescent light therapy. It uses the kind of light spectrum you get from a campfire, which is one reason we're all drawn - almost magnetically - to fire. A "biological dentist" showed cone beam scans of infections under mercury fillings and root canals. He advised against ever getting a root canal because each tooth is connected to an organ or gland. X-rays don't show the infections... but cone beam scans do. Another speaker was a lady who began having panic attacks as a freshman in college. "Our culture is not okay with us feeling dark things," she said. The conventional medical system pumped her full of various drugs until, as she put it, "I became angry at the medical system for killing my ownership of my health." Once she decided to take ownership, she cut out sugar, dairy and alcohol. She began eating clean food, drinking water, using herbs and real salt, exercising, and practicing breathwork. She said today joy has replaced her anxiety. Another speaker had a baby who had four seizures. CBD oil stopped them. Her child is now 4 years old and has been seizure-free since infancy. Her second child had the same issue... but CBD did not stop the seizures. Her pediatrician wanted the baby to go on drugs. Much of this mom's talk centered on the mental and emotional turmoil she went through arguing with doctors in the emergency room and her child's pediatrician. She discovered Dr. Katie Reid's REID Program when her son was about a year old. She started feeding her family whole foods with no supplements, low glutamate and more variety. (Americans actually eat a tiny variety of foods compared with historical norms. Indigenous cultures consume more variety because their diets are tied to seasonal production.) She determined that glutamate, which is an excitotoxin, stimulates the brain cells and causes seizures. Her son immediately began responding to the new diet and is more than three months seizure-free. Where Health Lives The common refrain among all these presentations was the hostility and pushback folks received from the medical establishment. As if the sicknesses weren't bad enough, the crushing power of the medical orthodoxy made any effort to seek alternatives a mountain almost too high to climb. My dad passed away from prostate cancer at 66 - my current age. He went the conventional treatment route and suffered mightily. My mother-in-law died at 54 from ovarian cancer. She also went the conventional route. I've now had the privilege of meeting many folks who bucked official protocol. Some survived and others didn't... but none of the folks who went an alternative route suffered as much as folks who are treated with radiation and chemotherapy - at least, that's been my experience. This topic is a hard one, especially for medical doctors. But all my life I've taken the maverick position in farming, using compost instead of chemicals. Conventional neighbor farmers call me a bioterrorist and Typhoid Mary because I choose not to vaccinate my cows. But they have vet bills... and I don't. Could it be that wellness doesn't come out of a needle? That functional immunity doesn't come from a pill? Can we create a habitat that encourages healthy immune function? On his deathbed, Louis Pasteur, godfather of germ theory, said his nemesis Antoine Béchamp was correct... "It's all about the terrain." Yes, it is all about the terrain, from stress, sleep and hydration to eating clean, exercising and doing historically normal things like fasting once in a while and even being uncomfortable. All of this affirms my decision to refuse to sign up for Medicare. I have no desire for the government to own my health. I'll take responsibility for that, thank you very much. Sincerely, Joel Want more content like this? | | | Joel Salatin | Contributor Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don't like him call him a bioterrorist, Typhoid Mary, a charlatan and a starvation advocate. He draws on a lifetime of food, farming and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. | | |
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