

Did the Fed Just Lie to Us?

Jerome Powell just insisted the Fed can still tame inflation without a recession. We've been getting a lot of questions about this...

Did the Fed Just Lie to Us?

Jerome Powell just insisted the Fed can still tame inflation without a recession.

We've been getting a lot of questions about this...

Especially as panic has descended in the wake of last week's bank collapse.

And I feel there's no better person to provide answers than our friend Joel Litman – CPA, forensic accountant, Wall Street whistleblower, and consultant to the Pentagon.

Joel predicted the crashes of 2008 and 2020. Whenever he speaks, the highest levels of government and business lean in – and so do those of us here at Stansberry.

So, I asked Joel what he thinks about Powell's comment. Does Joel think we're heading for an economic crisis?

Joel says not exactly... but does he expect more stock wipeouts dead ahead?

Absolutely – and here's why.

In fact, Joel says the next 60 days could make or break your wealth for the next decade.

And he says this isn't an exaggeration, or some trumped up theory...

This is a REAL event that Wall Street – including some of the biggest hedge funds in the world – is actively preparing for right now.

But 99% of everyday investors have been left completely in the dark about it.

That's why he's issuing an urgent warning this Wednesday, May 10 at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

I hope you'll join Joel to hear what he has to say, because the next six weeks could be the most devastating – or potentially lucrative – of your life to date, depending on the actions you take.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research

P.S. I want to be clear about the state of things right now.

Interest rates are at their highest levels since 2006...

Credit card debt is set to cross $1 trillion for the first time ever...

Multiple regional banks are on the brink of collapse...

We're one month away from a U.S. default...

Yet regulators still insist the "system is strong."

And NOBODY is telling you about the earth-shattering event they're preparing for this summer.

Fortunately, Joel says it's NOT too late to prepare...

In fact, he has a battle plan, and he's sharing it with our readers this Wednesday.

To lock in your spot, click here.


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