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Folks I don't often make a big deal about what other investors are doing.

But when I got to spend time with Lance a few months ago, I came away incredibly impressed by what this kid does.


If you know me, you know that I am always a little wary of directional trading unless you have a serious edge.

And the edge Lance has formulated over the years is remarkable.

He's probably the best I've ever seen at catching really big moves in a really short period of time.

And here's the thing:

We're moving into a full-on "chaotic" market cycle right now.

Headlines and panic are what DRIVES the market in this environment (please, I am begging you to forget about value investing, sentiment or any of that nonsense).

It's really all about the headlines right now.

Look at Microsoft. It's had a BIG year so far… But why?

Well, because 7 different headlines drove the price up:


No sentiment would help you catch these big moves…

But Lance THRIVES in this environment:

He's a specialist at getting in front of these big announcements.

And he's done it again and again and again this year.

Like on this SOFI headline:


Lance alerted this one to the tune of a 70% gain in 24 hours.

Or this climate change announcement:


Lance's signal on this was up 160% in 24 hours.

And then there was this Lumen shocker:


But it didn't shock Lance. Again, he was in ahead of time with an alert that generated a stunning 245%... again, in 24 hours.

That's why I am hosting Lance for a special webinar this week:

We go LIVE @ 1pm ET on Thursday.

Please add the date to your calendar and bookmark this link:


Trust me, you don't want to miss what Lance has to show you.

I'll see you there,



Disclaimer: The profits are not indicative of any future results. Gains are based on a $10,000 starting stake using backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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