Do you have some on your shelves? Plus, women spies; glass frogs; ice man
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 | PHOTOGRAPH BY REBECCA HALE, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | | Like books? Don’t like banning books? Maybe you’d make an exception for these emerald green books.
Still haunting bookshelves, these antique tomes could poison you. They’ve got arsenic in their spines. And researchers don’t know how many are still around.
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 | PHOTOGRAPH BY POPPERFOTO/GETTY | | A common thread: Noor Inayat Khan was a soft-spoken children’s book author. Josefina Guerrero used her leprosy to her advantage. Josephine Baker (above) was a dancer, singer, and actress. What did they all have in common? | | | |
 | PHOTOGRAPH BY JAIME CULEBRAS | | What are you seeing? There are 156 known species of glass frogs living mainly in the northern Andes and Central America—some of which are smaller than a paper clip, Nat Geo reports. Their lives are intricate—and surprising. (Above, one male glass frog hangs upside down next to its eggs.) | | | |
 | PHOTOGRAPH BY DEAGOSTINI, GETTY IMAGES | | Surprise! Did people bathe and wash hands? Were all women confined to menial work? Did everyone believe the Earth was flat? Why everything you know about the “Dark Ages” is probably wrong. Yes, that includes notions about gender and even sexual diversity, Nat Geo reports. (Above, a 14th century painting of Roman official Pontius Pilate washing his hands before, according to the Bible, the crucifixion of Jesus.)
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Today’s soundtrack: Sent From Above, River Tiber
Thanks for reading our newsletter! It was edited and curated by Jen Tse, Hannah Farrow, and David Beard. We'd love to hear from you: Keep shining! | | | |
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