

It's Microcaps' Time to Shine

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It's Microcaps' Time to Shine


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A Note From Amanda: Our good friend Alexander Green - the Chief Investment Strategist at The Oxford Club - is convinced microcaps have been and will be the best place to invest in 2023.

And what he's done is so shocking... we had to share it with you.

You see, he's beaten the market by 158% since 2001... surviving five bear markets.

And now he says this volatile market has created an opportunity so big... with a risk-to-reward ratio so compelling... that he's certain it will make him a fortune.

Go here to discover exactly where Alex is putting his own money.

Alexander Green

Alexander Green

There's one equity class that is likely to seriously outperform this year.

It offers the best opportunities in the market right now, in my view.

Let's start with a bit of background...

[Alex Green Finally Reveals His Personal Investments! See Where He's Investing $100K+]

In a bear market, large cap stocks hold up better than midcaps. Midcaps hold up better than small caps. And small caps hold up better than microcaps, the smallest of small cap stocks.

However, history also shows that when the market lifts off in earnest, midcaps outperform large caps, small caps outperform midcaps, and microcaps outperform small caps.

In other words, the whole process reverses.

Microcaps are the most volatile class of stocks. They are also the most profitable in a rising market.

As you can see in the chart below, microcaps outperform everything else over the long haul.

Microcaps Over Everything

View larger image

It isn't very close: $1,000 invested in large caps a century ago is worth $12.3 million. The same amount invested in small caps is worth $38.5 million. And $1,000 invested in a diversified portfolio of microcaps is worth $67.8 million.

The trade-off for this $55 million in outperformance is - you guessed it - greater volatility.

This is especially true of those microcap companies that are not yet profitable.

But pre-profit is not the same as pre-revenue.

I have never recommended a microcap that doesn't already have substantial sales growth.

Those microcap firms that have not yet turned the corner on profitability saw their shares suffer the most last year.

It's not hard to see why.


Alex Green's #1 Stock for 2023 Where He's Invested $100K of His Own Money

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Find out where he's invested $100,000 of his own money...


Companies that are unable to support their growth with their own cash flows must tap stock and bond markets periodically to raise fresh capital.

But interest rates are a lot higher than they were at the beginning of 2022.

And it's harder to complete a secondary stock offering in a volatile market.

Plus, low share prices make raising capital more expensive. More dilutive.

Here's an example. Let's say a company has 5 million shares outstanding at $20 a share... or a market cap of $100 million.

If the company needs to raise $20 million, it can issue 1 million new shares at $20. That would dilute existing shareholders by 20%, since there would then be 6 million shares outstanding instead of 5 million.

But look what happens if the share price declines to $5. To raise $20 million, it now must issue 4 million new shares.

That would take the total number of shares outstanding to 9 million, a far greater dilution.

That's a big reason why small, unprofitable companies get such a haircut in a down market.

But here's the good news...


Global Recession Is "Inevitable" in 2023

A recent Economist article reported that a global recession is inevitable in 2023.

Forbes says a recession is "very likely" in late 2023 or early 2024.

JPMorgan, Citi and BlackRock also believe that a 2023 recession is imminent.

If you feel like you just can't take this market anymore and can't afford to weather another recession, check out this presentation from Marc Lichtenfeld.

Countless investors are choosing to QUIT the stock market after seeing this.


For starters, this reality is already reflected in share prices. It's a big reason why microcap stocks are down so much.

It's also important to remember that many of the market's biggest gainers over the past few decades - companies like Amazon (AMZN), Tesla (TSLA) and Netflix (NFLX) - saw their biggest gains before they ever earned their first dollars.

Investors could see that blockbuster sales growth would eventually turn into powerful earnings growth.

And so they bid the shares up in anticipation of big profits down the road.

I expect the same thing to continue to happen in 2023 as microcaps with double- and triple-digit sales growth - but no profits yet - bounce back in a big way and turn in a bravura performance.

Unfortunately, most equity investors have a strong tendency to believe that what they should have done in the past is what they ought to do now.

In other words, if large cap value stocks held up best in 2022, that's where investors believe they should put money to work in 2023.

Large caps and midcaps should do fine this year. But not nearly as well as microcaps.

That's why it makes sense to position yourself for the turnaround that lies ahead.

In fact, I've personally already invested $100,000 in one microcap stock.

To learn more about this stock and the fantastic upside potential that microcaps offer investors, just go here.

And please excuse me when I say "I told you so" this time next year.

Good investing,


P.S. Wondering where I'm personally investing my money this year? View my recent interview here.

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Alexander Green

Alexander Green is the Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club and a primary contributor to Liberty Through Wealth. He has more than three decades of experience as an investment analyst, portfolio manager and financial writer. He directs a monthly financial newsletter, The Oxford Communiqué, along with three specialized trading services: The Insider Alert, The Momentum Alert and Oxford Microcap Trader. Alex is also the bestselling author of four books: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio, The Secret of Shelter Island, Beyond Wealth and An Embarrassment of Riches.


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