

Your Signature is Needed: Please do not let another wolf die a cruel death


Friend, innocent wolves and pups are being viciously MURDERED as you read this! Right now, wolves are being:

CHOKED to death by snares,

Lured from their dens then SHOT to death, 

RUN over by snowmobiles,

And even DYNAMITED in their dens!

This is unfortunately not all, Friend. Wolves are up against various acts of violence and brutality. So, who is responsible for these barbaric acts? CRUEL TROPHY HUNTERS.  And what makes this even worse… it is all LEGAL.

Wolf packs are being killed off in droves meanwhile the Biden Administration is doing little to protect against the attacks to REMOVE existing wolf protections. If this happens, vulnerable wolves stand little chance of survival. Please, Friend take action now to SAVE this treasured species from EXTINCTION: Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT before it's too late >>

While several states have made efforts to preserve and restore the fragile gray wolf population, the Northern Rockies states that border Yellowstone have NO PROTECTIONS for this iconic canine. In fact, these states continue to pass laws that make it EVEN EASIER for vicious trophy hunters to RECKLESSLY MURDER these precious wolves. Now, as few as 83 wolves are reported to remain in Yellowstone.

Wolves aren't bound by state lines, so it's not uncommon for them to innocently wander into states where they are in grave danger of being shredded to pieces by MERCILESS trophy hunters. 

These attacks on vulnerable wolf packs leave wolf pups hungry, afraid, and alone when they are left to survive without their mother. It's only a matter of time before these helpless pups die of HYPOTHERMIA or STARVATION. We need YOU to be the voice for our beloved canines before they no longer exist! Please take 30 seconds right now to speak up Friend >>

Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth


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