Hello, Early Learning Leaders! Fall is officially here! A new season means new activities and routines. We join you in welcoming opportunities to explore and learn. In this edition, we have included recent updates from the Department of Education (ED) as well as resources to support families, educators and those training to enter the field. New funding announcements are also included. Enjoy reading the rest of the newsletter and exploring updates and resources to support our youngest learners and their teachers, caregivers, and families. Thank you for reading "Early Learning"! Valerie C. Williams Director, Office of Special Education Programs Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Jamila Smith Director, Innovation and Early Learning Programs Office of Elementary and Secondary Education | Administration Announces New Actions to Accelerate Learning and Improve Student Achievement The Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions to accelerate learning and improve student achievement. These actions are part of the Department's efforts to transform education and bring families, educators, and communities together to advance education equity and excellence. |  OSEP Director Williams Releases Final Discipline Discussions Blog Series Valerie C. Williams, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) director, released her final Discipline Discussions blog series, which includes five actions people can take to reduce exclusionary discipline. She also announced the launch of a database with more than 200 resources about reducing exclusionary discipline. |  | OSEP Announces Funding for 138 Awards OSEP announced $35 million in funding for 138 awards, including one national technical assistance center, which will support preparation, ongoing professional learning and leadership development for personnel. The awards will increase the number of well-prepared, diverse and effective personnel serving children with disabilities, including early intervention practitioners; teachers; related services providers; administrators leading early intervention programs, schools, or local and state agencies; and university faculty who are preparing future generations of personnel to serve children with disabilities. | ED Games Expo 2023 The U.S. Department of Education held its 9th annual ED Games Expo, Sept. 19-22. The annual event showcased game-changing education technology (EdTech) created through more than 50 programs, including those presented as part of the Special Education & Technology Showcase. | Reducing Chronic Absences Even among our youngest learners, chronic absenteeism is a nationwide problem. IES developed a toolkit, and their Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest developed a handout to support the use of text messaging for parents and caregivers to reduce chronic absenteeism. | Supporting Children and Families For our Voices From the Field interview, we spoke with Toni Whitaker, MD, a professor, director and ambassador to Tennessee for CDC's Learn the Signs. Act Early. Program. She shares how her work supports children and families. | Special Education Research and Development Center Program IES' National Center for Special Education Research released a funding announcement for its fiscal year 2024 Special Education Research and Development Center Program (84.324C). The purpose of this grant is to establish a new Teacher Workforce Center to provide national leadership on issues affecting the special education teacher workforce. - Application package available on Sep. 21.
- Letters of intent (optional but encouraged) due Oct. 12.
- Application deadline is Jan. 11, 2024.
| Check out the Early Learning newsletter archive.  | | Be sure to follow us on Twitter — @Ed_Sped_Rehab — and tell your friends. | |
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