Publisher's Note: I know you may have questions about what this recent Fed decision really means for the stock market – and your money. Well, you urgently need to see this note from our good friend Joel Litman. A Wall Street insider who predicted both the crashes of 2008 and 2020, Joel has unique insights into how this market environment could impact your money this year (and for years to come)...
Inflation Forever?Remember over the summer when Jerome Powell said interest rates wouldn't have to rise as high as we expected? So much for THAT promise! This week, Fed officials suddenly admitted that rates won't come down anywhere as soon as they'd planned. Some even hinted rates might remain high not only longer, but forever. Never one to miss an opportunity, The Wall Street Journal soon pounced on the story... with a doomsday piece about the consequences of 'eternally high' interest rates. Now listen, do I care about interest rates? Sure. Do I worry about them? Nope. There's a way to make money in every environment. And high interest rates – and the unimaginable consequences they'll wreak on our economy – are no different. They're actually handing us the opportunity of a lifetime... IF you know what I know, and what I'll show you on Wednesday. What really matters about high interest rates is how they clothesline the U.S. economy. Keep in mind, that's what they're supposed to do. The key thing to watch is just ONE critical signal. It determines EVERY market swing... EVERY move in stocks... and has predicted EVERY market (bull or bear) you've lived through. Its track record is perfect... This signal is so predictable, you can set your watch by it. In fact, this is how I saw the crashes of 2020 and 2008 coming, when a literal roomful of Wall Street pros couldn't. (They even laughed when I tried warning them.) I tell you this as a warning – because right now, this signal is going crazy, and you need to see what I'm seeing. That's why I'm hosting an urgent briefing this Wednesday, September 27. I'll tell you upfront: You don't need to be worried, but you DO need to be prepared. Most people won't be, because they're distracted by Fed nonsense and the absolute delusion of the market bulls. Sadly, I predict 99% of people will get blindsided by what I see coming, just like they did in 2008. Don't let that be you... Register here on this page here, and I'll see you Wednesday. Regards, Joel Litman Chief Investment Strategist, Altimetry P.S. Here's another thing that bugs me... The media and the public are fixated on interest rate drama. But the biggest billionaires on Wall Street simply aren't! They know about the critical signal I'm talking about... and they're all getting ready to deploy the ONLY investing strategy that works when everything hits the fan. I'll share that strategy with you on Wednesday, too. |
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