

Market Heart Attack

When you go to the doctor, they take your blood pressure... pulse... and bloodwork. It says a lot about how you're doing – and if there might be anything to worry about. Well, the market has vital signs that work the exact same way...

Market Heart Attack

When you go to the doctor, they take your blood pressure... pulse... and bloodwork.

It says a lot about how you're doing – and if there might be anything to worry about.

Well, the market has vital signs that work the exact same way...

And this Wednesday, September 27, our good friend Joel Litman will show you the most important one:

It's dead simple. It never lies. Almost no one knows about it. And it's flashing the warning of a lifetime today.

(Once you see this, I guarantee you'll never look at the markets the same way again, for the rest of your life.)

You may be thinking "valuation" or "earnings growth" or something similar.

But no. They do matter...

But not even a fraction as much as ONE critical vital sign, one that 99% of investors have never even thought about, much less paid attention to.

Which is worrisome...

Because this vital sign has warned of every stock market crisis in memory: 2008... 2000... the COVID crash in 2020... even 1929.

Take a look:

Every time the red line spikes, markets crash. Every time.

The track record is perfect...

In fact, back in 2008, Joel gave a more than 100-slide presentation to a packed room of CFAs showing over and over again what this one signal was telling us would happen next.

And that's exactly what happened.

So I hope you can see that knowing and understanding this can not just save you a lot of pain... but make you a lot of money as well.

But NOT by trying to time a perfect "short" bet against the market.

There's a much better way...

One that can provide income and gains that are legally owed to you in a binding contract . Without jumping through any unusual hoops.

So please, mark your calendar now for this Wednesday, September 27...

And make sure you reserve your (free) spot right here so Joel can show you exactly what I mean.

Joel says this is the exact same strategy billionaire Howard Marks is raising an $18 billion fund for today. But he's used it to make unheard-of 19% per year fund returns for decades.

So don't miss it...

After Joel made a similar warning in 2008, stocks crashed 50% – while a handful of investors on Wall Street still made money, thanks to a strategy Joel's sharing with you on Wednesday.

Click here for more details from Joel's team.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research

P.S. If you've never seen Joel speak – he's an incredible communicator.

He doesn't B.S. or mince words. And I love his approach.

See, he's NOT going on camera to dazzle you with promises of big gains.

Instead, Joel wants to teach you something that's 100X more valuable than any single investing idea.

Of course, when you do learn this big idea (and he'll make it easy), there's a big-time payoff.

It's huge...

And it's the reason why Joel's poured everything into some brand-new tools and the most important announcement in the history of our affiliate, Altimetry.

But to take full advantage, you must be in attendance on Wednesday...

You won't want to miss this – click here for more details.


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