

MLG Capital – Introducing the Legacy Fund

Dear Investor,

Two and a half years ago the MLG team launched a new investment product called the Legacy Fund. Today the Legacy Fund has over $1,000,000,000 (BILLION) in property value and over $440,000,000 (MILLION) in invested equity. The Legacy Fund is quickly proving to be both an attractive and unique real estate investment option for those seeking a passive and highly diversified investment opportunity.

By way of disclosure, we have an advertising relationship with this MLG Capital, meaning we get paid for making this introduction and sharing this content. As always with these types of deals, consider this an introduction and not a recommendation. Every deal is unique and the responsibility to vet any and every deal you invest in still lies with you. This opportunity is available to accredited investors only.

What is the Legacy Fund?

The Legacy Fund is a property contribution fund in which an investor can contribute their property to the fund, in exchange for units for the fund equal in value to their asset, without triggering a taxable event. The units of the fund then produce a quarterly distribution based on the performance of the Legacy Fund portfolio (diversification!) and appreciate over time. Units can be redeemed upon request.

The Legacy Fund is designed to be an evergreen fund, with no scheduled end date. MLG will then manage the assets within the fund, growing the portfolio over the years by investing cash into new assets and executing 1031 exchanges within the fund.

Who is this fund for?

  • Owners of real estate assets seeking a tax efficient exit strategy
  • Minimum equity in asset: $3,000,000
  • Seeking investment in a passive, diversified portfolio of assets
  • Producing quarterly distributions and appreciation of shares

What does the Legacy Fund compete with?

  • DSTs – Delaware Statutory Trust
    • Legacy fund has lower fees and greater appreciation potential.
    • Very similar, but the Legacy Fund is private and may be less subject to public market volatility.
  • 1031 exchanges
    • Legacy Fund has less risk.
      • Execution risk
      • Single asset risk
      • No active management or oversight

Own an asset that you would like to contribute to the Legacy Fund? Follow this link to learn more on MLG's website: The Legacy Fund OR email Charlie at CJacques@mlgcaptial.com to get some more information.

Learn more about MLG Capital today

Jim and Brett

James M. Dahle, MD, FACEP
Founder, The White Coat Investor

Brett Stevens, MBA
COO, The White Coat Investor

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