

🚗🚓 Why you’ll be seeing less Missouri temp tags

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September 5, 2023
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🚗🚓 Why you'll be seeing less Missouri temp tags
🚗🚓 Why you'll be seeing less Missouri temp tags

Sorry, the Labor Day weekend is over. Back to reality. 😉

Expired Temp Tags:

The good news is that lawmakers are doing something about all the expired temp tags you see while driving with a new law.

It seems to be a problem in all parts of the state: expired or fake temporary license tags. Some cities are taking unique approaches to deal with the issue. The focus of the new law is to crack down on the issue, but it will be years before it's implemented.

It's not just a St. Louis or Kansas City problem; it's the entire state. Read more about it here.

What’s trending?

I have a few more items to highlight. Here are the top three articles from FOX 2’s Facebook page. It looks like a lot of people are looking forward to autumn, and winning a prize or two.

Do you have a quesion or a news tip? Let me know! Just shoot me a message by replying to this email. — Joe Millitzer.

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