URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Endangered Southern Resident orcas are just one oil spill away from EXTINCTION. Take action now to STOP Big Oil! >>
Among threats like human-driven climate change, ocean acidification, and ocean pollution, endangered Southern Resident orcas are also clinging to survival due to chronic lack of food. And right now, Big Oil and the shipping industry are driving forward two DEVASTATING MEGAPROJECTS that would drive away even more of the Chinook salmon that these treasured marine animals depend on.
Two orca calves were just recently born into the Southern Resident orca pods, which is a hopeful sign towards restoring this dwindling whale population. But the mortality rate for newborn orcas is as high as 50%, so if these two newborns are going to make it through their first year, we must STOP Big Oil and the shipping industry from decimating the Chinook salmon population and threatening orca survival. Will you help Friends of the Earth fight back against Big Oil and give these two newborn orca babies a chance at life? Add your name now >>
Orcas are already just ONE single oil spill away from being completely WIPED OUT. And the two proposed Big Oil and shipping megaprojects could very likely be what pushes them to the BRINK.
The Roberts Bank T2 shipping terminal project would significantly increase cargo ship traffic and scare away Chinook salmon from orca habitats. The noise from the massive cargo ships will also disrupt the orcas' sonar hunting methods, disorienting and preventing them from finding the few salmon left in their waters.
The expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline will also increase oil tanker traffic in Southern Resident critical habitat SEVEN-FOLD -- from one tanker a week to ONE PER DAY! Worst of all, it will also be pushing millions of gallons per day of toxic tar sands oil -- the dirtiest kind -- out in oil tankers through this already delicate orca habitat. And we know that when you move oil, oil spills are practically a GUARANTEE.
Big Oil and shipping corporations are putting profits over the survival of the only endangered species of killer whale in the United States. If they get away with their deadly dealings on these two destructive megaprojects, it's likely to seal the death sentence for Southern Resident orcas. TAKE ACTION: Friend, orcas desperately need us to be their voice and fight back against corporate greed. Please speak up NOW for these defenseless endangered whales before it's too late >>
Thanks for protecting endangered orcas,
Friends of the Earth
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