

A note on Black Friday :)

Hi everyone!
We hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, and hopefully are able to spend some quality time with friends, family, and loved ones :) We wanted to write a short note on the craziness of Black Friday...
That's not to say that we aren't running a sale or aren't sending "Sale is on – GO!" emails. We absolutely are – and we want to talk about why.
In a past note, we spoke about how nearly every day we hear something about how our products have "given you your life back," or something similarly impactful.  This is what we are here for, and we're on a mission to get our products into the hands of as many people as possible.
The thing is – profoundly effective skincare is expensive, and it can be a big leap of faith as well! We know that, and we love being able to make it cheaper at times like this so that you can feel great about the choice to get your hands on products that may truly change your life.
We know skincare is more than just a vanity thing – it's a quality of life, confidence, and overall happiness thing. And we're so grateful we get to be part of it.
So, all of that to say: from now until Sunday you can get 25% off your allies in skin confidence. 
If you have any questions about our products, our Heart to Heart Complex®, or why the sky is blue – let us know! The whole team is here to help :)
Lots of love,
Nicole & Ande
Co-Founders of L'AMARUE
(and mother-daughter)

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