

AI 'Tollbooth' 💰 has ChatGPT by the balls

ChatGPT has no choice but to pay these fees...
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ChatGPT has no choice but to pay these fees...
Wealth Daily 

AI 'Tollbooth' has ChatGPT by the balls

ChatGPT and other popular AI apps are at the mercy of a little-known AI "Tollbooth".

Each of them are obligated to pay the "Tollbooth" EVERY month to keep their apps running smoothly...

As a result, the "Tollbooth" collects a staggering $427.5 million in fees every single month.

But this AI "Tollbooth" isn't allowed to keep all of the profits for itself.

The government has recognized the potential AI monopoly held by this company.

As a result, the AI "Tollbooth" is legally mandated to share a whopping 90% of its profits with individuals like you and me...

The payouts have surged 116% over the past decade!

Giving you a shot at collecting up to $48,800 annually  regardless of what happens to the stock market or economy.

I expect these payouts to get even bigger as the user base of these popular AI apps continues to expand...

And by claiming your stake in the "Tollbooth", you too could grab your own sliver of this lucrative income stream, fueled by ChatGPT.

Follow these simple steps to start collecting as much as $48,800 every year.

To your wealth,

Jason Williams Signature Image

Jason Williams
Investment Director, The Wealth Advisory

P.S. The AI "Tollbooth" plays a pivotal role in the success of popular AI platforms including ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Bing. This firm collects a jaw-dropping $427.5 million monthly by offering an essential service that keeps these platforms running efficiently. But the government is legally mandating the AI "Tollbooth" to distribute 90% of its massive profits to everyday Americans. This gives you the opportunity to earn up to $48,800 annually, regardless of market conditions. Here's how you can tap into this growing income stream powered by the AI Revolution.

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