

Sign the Petition: Protect grizzly bears hibernating this December from cruel trophy hunters


Friend, imagine you are a mama grizzly bear… it's December, and it is time to get your cubs ready for hibernation! You know from past winters how much of a challenge it could be -- to hunt and search for food when the rivers begin to freeze over and plants begin to die. There is not much time or resources left to prepare your den!

As you roam around the forest on your daily hunt for food, you trek through layers of snow with your bear cubs. You suddenly come across a pile of food out in the open. JACKPOT! There is no need to question how exposed the pile is, you're happy to discover something to feed your hungry, weak babies. You take a quick glance around and after assuming safety, you approach the available grub with your cubs close behind you. 

Leaning into the pile, PIERCING sounds fill the frigid air and SHARP pains spread across your side. You cry out in pain and COLLAPSE to the ground. You cannot move, and it is getting harder to breathe. You are dying. Your bear cubs, confused and scared, are now left to STARVE and will soon die without their mother.

It takes only ONE bullet to KILL a mama grizzly. Vicious trophy hunters are mercilessly hunting and killing these beloved creatures for sport, leaving their vulnerable orphaned cubs to and die of STARVATION and HYPOTHERMIA during the harsh winter months. And as waterways begin to freeze and plants die, food searching and hunting can be an impossible challenge for grizzly bear cubs.

GOP legislators and hunting lobbyists in Northern Rocky Mountain states are actively proposing cruel anti-bear laws and want to REMOVE EXISTING PROTECTIONS to make it even easier to BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER these beloved animals. Please, Friend, defenseless grizzlies desperately need us to be their voice this winter. Can they count on you to help protect them from cruel trophy hunters? Take action now >>

Grizzly bears are an iconic, treasured North American species. We are experiencing a drastic decline of grizzly bears — with only 2,000 grizzlies remaining in the lower 48 states. There was once a roaring population of 50,000 grizzlies in the continental U.S.! With the population plummeting, we are losing time to restore this fragile population before it becomes extremely difficult. 

Despite the devasting numbers, Republicans want to go even further and remove more protections for grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide ecosystems. Please Friend, grizzly bear cubs can't fight off trophy hunters and hunting lobbyists alone. We need 4,972 signatures to demand better protections for vulnerable grizzly bears before we lose this species for good! Take action NOW! >>

Thank you for protecting grizzly bears,
Friends of the Earth


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