

Retired Army Colonel warns of new "secret war"

A DC-based military strategist with 25 years of service warns the biggest threat to you and your money right now is NOT a military war. It's something altogether different – and yet, it could change everything about the way you live, travel, retire, and more...

Editor's Note: A DC-based military strategist with 25 years of service warns the biggest threat to you and your money right now is NOT a military war. It's something altogether different – and yet, it could change everything about the way you live, travel, retire, and more...

Retired Army Colonel Warns of New "Secret War"

This runs counter to everything you're hearing in the media about the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East...

But the biggest threat to you and your money right now is NOT a military war.

Don't get me wrong, these conflicts will continue. I'm sure of it.

And you should take certain steps today as these conflicts escalate.

But the REAL threat today is something altogether different.

For example, soon you might find it hard to buy Tylenol at your local drugstore...

Same with antibiotics or Vitamin C supplements.

I realize this sounds crazy to most Americans... but the nightmare scenario I'm about to show you would change everything about the way you live, work, travel, retire – and more.

It could last for decades, if not longer...

Permanently changing your kids' and grandkids' future...

Ultimately resulting in even more drastic governmental interventions than you saw during COVID.

I don't make this prediction lightly.

I did six tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a combat pilot, flying Kiowa Warriors in the Air Cavalry after graduating from West Point.

This service earned me a handful of Bronze Stars and several other prestigious medals.

I spent the second half of my career as a chief planner for the U.S. Armed Forces and as an operational leader for aviation, supporting the entire theater.

In my 25 years of military service, I spent many hours in highly classified meetings at the Pentagon, helping presidents and top military brass develop the strategy that guided our military across the world.

This experience and education has given me a unique level of insight – one most people never get. And I've been trained to deal with all the uncertainties that come with times like we're in right now.

Which is why it's so important for you to understand the No. 1 step every American should take to prepare right now.

All the details are spelled out in a short new video I urge you to see immediately today.

Click here for full details.


Col. Jonathan Shaffner
U.S. Army, Ret.
Consultant, Altimetry


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