

Your Signature is Needed: Bill could restrict pesticide regulations


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Endangered species and public lands are UNDER ATTACK in Congress!

This is a nightmare, Friend. Extremists in Congress are trying to delist endangered species like grizzly bears and gray wolves and stop the EPA from regulating pesticides based on risk to endangered species like certain wild bees!

In total, there are more than 15 dangerous provisions that could be attached to a must-pass spending bill – even members of Congress who oppose the bad parts of the bill might have to vote for the whole thing. That's why we need your help RIGHT NOW before these attacks on endangered species are attached to the bill! Friend, will you urge your member of Congress to OPPOSE attacks on endangered species, pesticide regulations, and our public lands before it's too late?

*We need 371 more signatures from your area*

Endangered whales, grizzly bears, wolves, bees, public lands – all these critical parts of our environment are at risk. Friends of the Earth members like you have helped us fight against numerous attacks on endangered species and the environment before – now more than a dozen could pass with a single vote!

This is an ALL HANDS on deck moment, Friend! We cannot allow the extremists in Congress to get away with attacking endangered species, undermining pesticide regulations, and blocking protections for public lands. We need YOUR help. Please send a message to your Congressmembers right now!

Standing with you,
Jason Davidson
Senior Food and Agriculture Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth


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