

Your Signature is Needed: Demand the EPA Bans Bee-Killing Neonics!



This is the year when our collective voices can make a life-changing impact for our beloved bees. 

In the coming months, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will make a decision that could shape the next 15 years for our fragile pollinators. The stakes are high – the agency is reviewing the approval of neonics, a group of devastatingly toxic pesticides. These chemicals have insidious effects on bees, attacking their delicate nervous systems. They jeopardize bees' ability to navigate, find nectar, defend against pests and diseases, and even reproduce. A chilling revelation from the EPA's own assessment shows that these neonics contribute to the decline of over 200 threatened and endangered species.

Every day our buzzing friends toil tirelessly, pollinating critical flowering species, fruits, and nuts that we all depend on. They are the unsung heroes supporting one-third of every bite of food that we put on our tables. That's why the threat isn't just to pollinator species. It's also to us!  

Our grocery stores depend on bees to keep shelves stocked with healthy foods we love. Moreover, tens of thousands of flowering plant species worldwide depend on these essential creatures for their very survival. 

Each day the EPA delays action, our bees, our food system, and our environment pay the price. Meanwhile, colossal pesticide companies like Bayer-Monsanto reap profits. We cannot afford to remain silent for another 15 years and risk losing these vulnerable bee populations forever. I implore you, as an environmental advocate, to raise your voice against corporate greed.  

Will you join me in signing the petition, demanding an immediate end to neonics to safeguard our pollinators and the delicate balance of our planet?

Neonics don't just sit on the surface of food where it's possible to wash them off. They are systemic pesticides that seep deep into the internal tissues of plants and even seeds, making the chemicals difficult or impossible to remove. Our recent investigations at Friends of the Earth revealed alarming statistics - neonics were present in 73% of applesauce and 80% of spinach samples from major U.S. grocers. Shockingly, these toxic pesticides, which are linked to severe health problems such as birth defects and hormone disruption, are prevalent even in baby food. 

Despite the laudable efforts of states like Connecticut, New Jersey, and recently New York, the federal government is poised to permit the widespread national use of these toxic chemicals for another 15 years, prioritizing corporate interests over the well-being of our pollinators and our health.  

I implore you, Friend, to take urgent action to shield bees and other pollinators from the impending insect apocalypse. Urge the EPA to ban bee-killing pesticides immediately. 

Thank you from the depths of my heart for your swift and compassionate action to save bees and other precious pollinators. 

With heartfelt gratitude, 
Kendra Klein 
Friends of the Earth


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