

Your Signature is Needed: A false climate solution in California


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell the EPA to stop a fossil fuel company from INJECTING CO2 into the ground near a California community!

This is a dangerous practice, Friend. Just a few years ago, a CO2 pipeline leak in Mississippi led to hundreds of hospitalizations in a nearby town. If the EPA approves this project, 40-50 MILLION metric tons of CO2 could be stored near Buttonwillow, California – a leak would be devastating for this community!

Approval for this carbon dumping project could set a precedent, making it easier for similar projects across the U.S. to move forward – maybe even in YOUR community! The EPA isn't accepting comments for much longer! Please, Friend, sign our petition to the EPA and help DENY permits for this dangerous carbon storage project! Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

Carbon capture and storage projects like this one are billed as good for the environment. But the reality is they can threaten drinking water and they enable fossil fuel plants to stay in operation even longer. That means more climate disasters and intensifying warming just after 2023 was the HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD!

Here's the bottom line, Friend: this carbon capture project must be stopped. It's bad for the community and bad for our climate. The only one standing to benefit is the greedy fossil fuel company itself – but YOUR comments are needed right now to help stop it! Will you help PROTECT communities and the environment from fossil fuel greed!

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil Fuels Program Manager,
Friends of the Earth


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