

Your Signature is Needed: Fracking damage on historic lands


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Big Oil and Gas corporations are threatening to DECIMATE the historic Chaco Canyon! 

Chaco Canyon is a treasured landmark that features homes and ruins of Pueblo and Navajo peoples. The legendary ruins – including rock engravings, ancient roads, and precious stone buildings – are more than 1,000 years old!  

Action from Indigenous leaders and environmentalists like you have given Chaco limited, temporary protections – meaning your messages make a BIG difference. But Chaco Canyon is still at risk from corporate fossil fuel giants until it gets permanent protections and Tribal co-management! Please, take action now to help and preserve Chaco Canyon! 

Greedy fossil fuel companies have already claimed over 90% of the public lands in the Greater Chaco region for fracking and other dirty business. Despite record profits in the billions, fossil fuel executives want even more! 

Chaco Canyon is designated as a World Heritage Site due to its cultural significance to Indigenous communities. Continued fracking hurts these communities and increases this risk of earthquakes, water contamination, and air pollution! Please, Friend, send your message to the Department of Interior to meet Tribal demands and honor Chaco Canyon before it's too late! 

Standing with you, 
Raena Garcia 
Senior Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth 


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