

Your Signature is Needed: Stop your taxes from supporting greedy food companies


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Congress to pass the EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act! 

Many farmers pride themselves on ecologically regenerative farming practices. They grow healthy food to feed their families and communities in a way that honors the environment. But large food corporations that produce low-quality, environmentally damaging foods are pushing small and sustainable farmers to the brink! 

Every year, the federal government purchases billions of dollars of food from these polluting agribusiness corporations. If you help us pass the EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act through Congress, it would transform federal food purchasing to reduce emissions, promote organic and climate-friendly agriculture, and support small-scale producers! Please, Friend, tell your members of Congress to support small-scale, sustainable farmers over big food corporations! Sign now!

Think about it, Friend: our tax dollars are used to purchase low-quality foods from massive food corporations like Tyson, Cargill, and JBS. That means the farmers who are good stewards of the environment and working to produce healthy, sustainable foods are watching their own tax dollars fund their competition! 

Here's one example: In just one year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture spent nearly $250 MILLION dollars with Tyson Foods despite the fact that Tyson had 27 serious violations of federal labor laws in the past three years! Schoolchildren, people who rely on food banks, and seniors deserve high quality, ethically sourced food – but instead our tax dollars are going toward abusive agribusiness corporations. 

New guidelines for federal food purchasing could help reduce emissions too. In fact, shifting just a quarter of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's purchases of factory farmed animal products to plant-based sources of protein could save the equivalent emissions of every car in Mississippi! Will you urge your U.S. Senators to support the EFFECTIVE Food Procurement act and fight for cleaner, greener agriculture?

Standing with you, 
Lisa Gonzalez 
Senior Food and Climate Policy Analyst 
Friends of the Earth 


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