

Your Signature is Needed: Tell Congress to oppose attacks on endangered species


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Congress to STOP legislation that would THREATEN endangered species and SUPPORT toxic pesticides! >> Send your message now! 

Gray wolves, grizzly bears, bees – they're all in danger, Friend. Members of Congress have included language in a must-pass spending bill that delists endangered species, restricts the EPA's ability to regulate pesticides, and blocks protections for our public lands! All our worst nightmares could pass with a single vote!

You've helped us fight against pesticides, conserve public lands, and protect endangered species. We've won real victories because of environmentalists like you. Unless you take immediate action, so much of that hard work could be unraveled! Please, Friend, stop this nightmare bill in its tracks! Tell your members of Congress to REMOVE any anti-endangered species or pro-pesticide language from the spending bill! 

Many toxic pesticides threaten the existence of thousands of threatened and endangered species! But if this bill passes as is, it will prevent the EPA from regulating pesticides to protect endangered species! That's not to mention it directly weakens and even fully blocks protections for species that are already in danger of extinction! 

Unless we remove these harmful provisions from the spending bill before it's too late, even members of Congress who might otherwise oppose them could vote for the whole package. That's why it's so important you help us INTERVENE RIGHT NOW before the anti-environment language gets stuck to the bill! Protect people, public lands, and endangered species with just a few clicks! Send your message to Congress before 11:59pm TONIGHT!

Standing with you, 
Jason Davidson 
Senior Food and Agriculture Campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth 


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