

🚨 Deadline Tomorrow: Your Ex Award Entry is Due

Submit your best work by 2/23 to save
Enter today to get your campaigns, activations, and exhibits recognized in Event Marketer’s annual Ex Awards. This is your opportunity to showcase your creativity and expertise, gaining the recognition you deserve among the best in the business. Show our panel of brand-side marketers your best work across 26 categories.

New this year are our expanded Trade Show Categories including:
- Best Overall Trade Show Exhibit Portfolio
- Best Trade Show Exhibit Under 50x50
- Best Trade Show Exhibit Over 50x50
- Best Outdoor Trade Show Exhibit
- Best In-Booth Trade Show Activation/Experience
Enter by February 23 to save $135 on your application.
enter now
Questions? Contact Emily Makadok at emakadok@accessintel.com.
Purchase your gala tickets now, or upgrade to a full EMS experience!
Purchase your gala tickets now, or upgrade to a full EMS experience!
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