

The Biggest Election Surprise of 2024

If the election coverage makes you want to tune out the news today... I don't blame you. But Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin says that would be the absolute worst thing to do today.

Critical Election-Year Event Is Headed for the U.S. Stock Market

If the election coverage makes you want to tune out the news today...

I don't blame you.

But Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin says that would be the absolute worst thing to do today.

You see, Marc just detected a critical election-year event headed straight for U.S. stocks...

A big election surprise no one sees coming, but that Marc says we can predict with 90% accuracy, thanks to nearly 100 years of incontrovertible data.

There's an important reason why I'm bringing this to your attention...

This will be the fourth year in a row that Marc has shared a critical market forecast that could have made AND saved you tremendous amounts of money.

Like warning to sell stocks before the COVID crash in 2020... to stay invested in stocks in 2021... to avoid the 2022 brutal bear market... and to steer clear of 2023's historic banking crisis.

Considering the accuracy of his past forecasts, today I'm calling on all Stansberry Research subscribers to tune in to Marc's 2024 Election-Year market event on February 29.

You see, Marc says the Power Gauge is now flagging what could be the biggest market surprise of the last several years...

An event Marc expects to take place in the days surrounding Super Tuesday.

Which is why Marc says your ability to do well with your investments this year depends on one decision you MUST make BEFORE primaries come to a close.

Marc will reveal the nature of this surprise in full on February 29.

I highly recommend all followers of independent financial research get the full story from Marc himself...

So please, take a moment to reserve your spot here.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research


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