

This Is How I'd Invest $1 Million Right Now

If you're skeptical of me and my new venture (how I'd invest $1 million right now), I understand. After all, I'm the guy "you're supposed to hate."

Dear Reader,

If you're skeptical of me and my new venture (how I'd invest $1 million right now), I understand.

After all, I'm the guy "you're supposed to hate."

I'm a wealthy Wall Street insider who has met Presidents Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Warren Buffett.

I managed $200 million for the super-rich (and tripled their money).

And I'm friends with almost every major hedge fund manager, including Bill Ackman, who manages more than $10 billion. (I made 17 times my money alongside him during the 2009 recession.)

But the fact is, I left that world behind to invite you into my newest venture.

And I can assure you: I'm not the kind of Wall Street jerk who takes bailout money from the government or only helps the super-rich.

I'm sharing a powerful new form of investing you would normally need at least $2 million to get into. It even beat Warren Buffett and Bill Ackman over the last two years, while crushing the market by up to 10-fold.

Maybe you've seen all the "hype" around it. Maybe you haven't.

Either way, I'm reaching out today because we'll be closing the doors soon, and I want to invite you to have an inside look at what I'm doing.

I'm posting a demonstration here.

Whatever you decide, please don't brush me off as a "typical Wall Street jerk."

You might not know that I devote much of my free time to charity.

And that I've devoted my career to sharing my best ideas with the public, like when I pounded the table on Tractor Supply (TSCO) during the dot-com recession... before it rose 29,973%.

If nothing else, you'll get 2 free recommendations from my new briefing.

Along with valuable insights on Nvidia, Microsoft, and gold.

I understand if you're not impressed by my credentials, like my appearances on 60 Minutes , where I called the 2008 housing collapse and the subsequent market rally.

Or the endorsement I just received for this venture from Joel Greenblatt, who manages $4.5 billion.

But please, at least have a look before you make up your mind.

Because the fact is, we'll be closing the doors to this new venture soon.

This is exactly how I'd invest $1 million right now in today's bull market.

Click here to learn more today, before it goes offline.


Whitney Tilson
Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research


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