

Your Signature is Needed: Ban cruel killing of bears and wolves in Wildlife Refuges


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Stop the CRUEL HUNTING of wolves, bears, and other carnivores in the National Wildlife Refuge System! >> 

Picture this: a mama wolf tangled in snare, CHOKING TO DEATH! A bear cub witnessing its mother BLEEDING OUT after being shot from a helicopter! So-called "predator control" programs allow the inhumane killing of beloved carnivores in our nation's Wildlife Refuges. 

Many Indigenous peoples' way of life depends on the stability of ecosystems that top carnivores help maintain. Removing native predators throws an ecosystem out of balance and can disrupt traditional hunting methods of Indigenous communities. 

Here's the good news, Friend: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed a new rule to BAN "predator control" programs on Wildlife Refuges. But they're only taking input for a FEW MORE DAYS! Friend, will you help protect wolves, bears, and other native carnivores on Wildlife Refuges? 

The Indigenous Gwich'in people use Arctic caribou for food, warmth, and spiritual connection to the land. Though it may seem backward, wolves and bears are actually crucial to the caribou's survival. Without predators to keep the population in control, caribou might graze all their food away, essentially STARVING themselves.   

Here's the point, Friend – protecting native predators like bears and wolves is about more than just those animals themselves. Entire ecosystems rely on these creatures, and people rely on the ecosystems. That's why this is so important. Please, Friend, tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to BAN predator control on Wildlife Refuges to protect people and ecosystems! Send your message now!  

Standing with you, 
Raena Garcia 
Senior Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth 


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