

Tell Congress: Permanent Ceasefire NOW

hands off Rafah

MPower Change Action

As salaamu alaykum, Indiana Jones—

Netanyahu vowed to launch a military assault on Rafah for "total victory"— with or without the Biden administration's approval.

The Israeli military has now launched a ground offensive into Rafah, where nearly 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering, ordering 100,000 residents in its eastern areas to evacuate, seizing the Rafah border crossing, and shutting down humanitarian aid from coming into Gaza.

This moment could not be more URGENT.

Tell your Members of Congress: Condemn Israel's Rafah assault and invasion. Urge Biden to facilitate an immediate and lasting ceasefire and end military assistance to Israel.

Last month, leading up to the State Department's May 8th NSM-20 (National Security Memorandum) reporting deadline to Congress, we organized thousands of our members to urge their House members to join an effort led by Reps. Veronica Escobar (TX-16) and Joaquin Castro (TX-20) to hold Israel accountable.

More than two dozen House members demanded answers from the administration on how or why Israel's "assurances" under NSM-20 were accepted as credible while Israel is violating international humanitarian law, and existing U.S. laws by restricting the delivery of US-funded humanitarian assistance.1

With the report to Congress on Israel's violations now delayed, we need to make our voices heard loud and clear that Israel needs to be held accountable for atrocities committed against the people of Gaza.

Israel's assurances are not credible and trigger an immediate suspension of foreign assistance under U.S. laws. 

Biden is feeling the heat. We're at a time when we have the leverage of growing disapproval of Biden and Israel — it's on us to make the most of this and act now for a permanent ceasefire and a halt of military assistance to Israel.

Send a letter to your Members of Congress: Condemn Israel's Rafah assault and invasion.

Urge Biden to facilitate an immediate and lasting ceasefire and end military assistance to Israel. 

Thank you for everything you do.

In solidarity,

Yasmine, Linda, Granate, Ishraq, and the team at MPower Action

P.S. Want to help build Muslim political power this electoral season? Donate to MPower Action Fund.


  1. "Democrats Question U.S. Claims That Israel Isn't Violating International Law Using American Weapons," The Intercept, April 16, 2024

MPower Action is the political and lobbying arm of MPower Change, a grassroots movement of diverse Muslim communities working together to build social, spiritual, racial, and economic justice for all people.

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