

The Bost Bulletin

News from Rep. Bost


The Bost Bulletin 

Dear Friend,
Let’s begin with the biggest, and most disappointing, news of the week. The six-week sham trial against President Trump in New York came to a close with 34 guilty verdicts. This witch hunt eroded the public’s trust in our legal system in a way that will take years to overcome. The trial, along with the character attacks, campaign interference and Hollywood cameos that surrounded it, had one purpose: to weaken President Trump before the 2024 election. It won’t work. Even after last week’s verdict, he is strengthened with an American public that is fed up with liberals weaponizing the legal system for their partisan political gain.

Knowing the Fight Doesn't End Here

It took congressional Republicans no time to spring into action in response to the unjust verdict against President Trump. Rep. Jim Jordan and the House Weaponization Committee has called for DA Alvin Bragg to testify in June about the trial. The people deserve accountability, and the People’s House is demanding answers. Stay tuned.

Honoring Fallen Heros in Bluford

Last Monday, Memorial Day, I had the honor of speaking at the Bluford Memorial Day Ceremony. I had the honor of speaking to the veterans and families present and offering prayerful remembrance for our fallen service members. It was solemn experience, and one I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of.

Recording Stories of Local Veterans

After the ceremony in Bluford, I interviewed two veterans for the Veterans History Project, a program through the Library of Congress that records veterans’ firsthand testimony for future generations to learn from. I headed to Opdyke, where I sit down to interview Colonel Ted Buck, a decorated Air Force veteran of 22 years. I got to speak to him about his selfless service in Korea and Vietnam.


My next interview was in Waltonville with Sergeant Jody Reynolds. Sgt. Reynolds answered the call to defend our freedoms after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He talked about his family history of service, his time in the National Guard, and his subsequent deployment and service in Kuwait and Baghdad.


Honoring Mt. Vernon Police Chief Trent Page and Fire Chief Kevin Sargent

I attended a ceremony honoring Mt. Vernon Police Chief Trent Page and Fire Chief Kevin Sargent, who are both retiring this month. Police Chief Page spent nearly 27 years on the Mt. Vernon Police force, and Fire Chief Sargent is retiring from a 28-year career in the fire service with the city. These two leaders have committed their lives to service, and the Mt. Vernon community is stronger for it. Thank you, Trent and Kevin, for many years of leadership, and may you enjoy a fulfilling retirement.


Discussing Eagle Scout Projects with Stephen White

Thanks to Stephen White, a Life Scout from Murphysboro’s Troop 4, for sitting down and discussing his Eagle Scout Project. Stephen is working with the commander of a local Veterans Service Organization and Penn Aluminum to create a container for dropping off and respectfully disposing of U.S. flags when they fall into disrepair. Several years ago, I met with Stephen and his brother, Joshua, while they were earning their Citizenship in the Nation merit badges. Great to see that he’s stuck with it and remained committed to service!


Visiting Kaskaskia Workshop

I visited Kaskaskia Workshop, a local nonprofit that provides housing for children and adults with developmental disabilities. It’s wonderful to see the positive impact these dedicated folks are having by providing training, personal care, and independent skills to neighbors in need.


Stopping by A&A in Centralia 

I visited A&A Armory, an outdoor and sporting goods company that opened in Centralia last year. It’s family-owned, salt of the earth small businesses like A&A that make this country thrive. Alan, the owner, was out of town, but we made sure to Facetime him during our visit. Thanks for all you do to serve your customers and ensure the Second Amendment remains strong in Southern Illinois!


Meeting with a Local Veteran Owned Business

While I was in Centralia, I also visited A&B Outdoor Equipment, a veteran owned and operated business. A&B specializes in new and used mowers, and offers a 10% discount to veterans and first responders. It's always great to see our veterans thrive after service, and it's small businesses like this that help drive our economy. 


Checking Out the National Guard's 126th Air Refueling Wing 

I revisited the National Guard's 126th Air Refueling Wing at Scott Air Force Base to get an update on their operations. Almost 25 years ago, the 126th relocated to Scott AFB, integrating nearly 1,000 Airmen to the Metro East region. Their primary missions is to provide air refueling support to major commands of the United States Air Force, as well as other military forces here at home and abroad. 


Dining with the 932nd Airlift Wing 

I had a wonderful lunch with the 932nd Airlift Wing at Scott Air Force Base this week. It was great to be surrounded by so many committed servicemembers. I will always support Scott AFB and the mission of all our men and women who serve there. Thank you for your service! 


Standing Up for the Rights of the Unborn

I’m proud to share that Students for Life Action has awarded me an A+ rating for the 118th Congress, showing my strong track record of supporting life. I will continue to do all I can to fight for the pro-life movement and speak up for those without voices. 


To stay updated on the work I am doing, make sure you follow me  on Facebook or Twitter. And if you would like to receive these email updates, make sure you sign up for my newsletter here

- Mike 


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